Jew Hater Linda Sarsour Calls Out Pelosi As ‘Typical White Feminist’

At this rate, the Democrats will soon be more anti-Semitic than the Nazis…

Despite being forced by influential Jewish groups to introduce a formal resolution rebuking the anti-Semitic freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar, the Democrats have a serious problem with a considerable portion of their base.

In saner times, a vile Jew hater like the Somalia-born radical who hails from a district that the FBI has identified as the terrorist recruitment capital of America would have never made it past the vetting process let alone to Washington but the left has been driven to madness by their hatred of President Trump.

Not only was Omar easily elected but she has along with fellow freshman firebombers Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib, been hailed as the new “diverse” face of the Democratic party despite her overt and unapologetic antipathy toward Israel, Jews and even America itself.

Worst yet? She was simply handed a prized position on the powerful House Foreign Affairs Committee despite her blatant anti-Semitism.

But Omar went a bridge too far when her promotion of anti-Jewish tropes led to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) putting pressure on Nancy Pelosi and Dem leaders to formally discipline her which they agreed to do with a resolution that is to be introduced this week although the language is likely to be vague so as to specifically NOT single out Omar and blame it on Trump.

Now Pelosi has triggered Women’s March co-founder Linda Sarsour, a woman with her own history of hating on Jewish people who has clapped back at the septuagenarian Speaker Of The House over the upcoming resolution.

Sarsour railed against Pelosi who she blasted as a “typical white feminist upholding the patriarchy doing the dirty work of powerful white men” in a Facebook post on Monday.

Via The Daily Caller “Linda Sarsour Attacks ‘White Feminist’ Nancy Pelosi Over Resolution Condemning Anti-Semitism”:

Women’s March co-chair Linda Sarsour attacked Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Monday night as a “typical white feminist upholding the patriarchy doing the dirty work of powerful white men,” in response to a House resolution condemning anti-Semitism.

House Democrats announced the resolution Monday after Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar’s latest anti-Israel comments, which critics — including other Democrats — have denounced as anti-Semitic.

“This is why we wanted Congresswoman Barbara Lee to be the Speaker of the House and ‘progressives’ were like ‘nah, Pelosi is a leader and omg you should see how she claps. What a clap!’” Sarsour wrote in a lengthy Facebook post.

“Nancy is a typical white feminist upholding the patriarchy doing the dirty work of powerful white men. God forbid the men are upset – no worries, Nancy to the rescue to stroke their egos,” she wrote.

This is why we wanted Congresswoman Barbara Lee to be the Speaker of the House and “progressives” were like nah, Pelosi is a leader and omg you should see how she claps. What a clap!

Sarsour’s influence on the party has been a contributing factor to the radicalism of the vaunted freshman class and none other than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez herself has been supportive of a woman whose extremism became so toxic that many of the sponsors of this year’s Women’s March pulled out.

More from Sarsour via Facebook:

For years, when members of Congress have spewed blatant anti-Muslim racism, islamophobia, propaganda against Muslims and even held racist hearings with our tax payer dollars, Democratic leadership were never swift to condemn said members or put out resolutions condemning islamophobia and/or standing in solidarity with Muslims on the record in Congress.

Democrats are playing in to the hands of the right. Dividing our base and reinforcing their narrative and giving them an easier path towards 2020.

I reject this. I will speak out. I won’t be silent. I am not following this. They don’t speak for me as a Democrat. No more double standards.

You want a resolution? Condemn all forms of bigotry. All forms of bigotry are unacceptable. We won’t let them pin us up against each other. We stand with Representative Ilhan Omar. Our top priority is the safety of our sister and her family.

This is not looking good for Pelosi and Democrats in general who cobbled together a disparate collection of competing identity groups, socialists, anti-Semites and other undesirables with the glue holding them all together being their hatred of Trump and resentment over a lost election.

Now it’s starting to lose cohesiveness thanks to the ill-considered idea that extremists are able to behave in a rational manner.