Liberals Lose It Because Tucker Carlson Said Some Funny True Stuff 10 Years Ago

All of Liberaldom is in a stage of heighten outrage because lefty rag Media Matters “uncovered” comments Fox News host Tucker Carlson made over a decade ago. What did Carlson say that was so horrifying? Well, he called Paris Hilton a whore and said he doesn’t support statutory rape. I know, it’s almost too much to take, right? The best part about this is that Carlosn made these comments when he worked for MSNBC. It wasn’t bad then, but now that he’s at Fox it’s suddenly a hate crime.

Back in 2006, Tucker Carlosn worked at MSNBC and used to call in to shock-jock Bubba the Lobe Sponge’s radio show. For some reason Media Matters poured over these call-in segments to lift what they consider to be examples of Carlson saying bad things. They even printed out a transcript of all of the “offending” Carlson statements with running faux outrage commentary.

Here’s a small sampling of what has Media Matters losing their shit:

Carlson said underage marriage is not “the same thing exactly as pulling a child from a bus stop and sexually assaulting that child.

CARLSON: Look, just to make it absolutely clear. I am not defending underage marriage at all. I just don’t think it’s the same thing exactly as pulling a child from a bus stop and sexually assaulting that child.

How is that even remotely controversial? An adult over 18 marrying someone under 18 is not the same thing as a stranger raping a child at the bus stop. Media Matters had some other stuff like this in which Carlson basically said he doesn’t think statutory rape is the same thing as violent rape, which is 100% true.

Then there are all of these insults MM couldn’t deal with:

Carlson described TV host Alexis Stewart, Martha Stewart’s daughter, as “cunty” and said he wanted to “give her the spanking she so desperately needs.”

Carlson called singer Britney Spears and celebrity Paris Hilton “the biggest white whores in America.”

Carlson: Arianna Huffington is a “pig.”

Carlson said Oprah Winfrey “hate[s] the penis” and is “anti-man.”

Carlson said then-Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is ugly: “I feel sorry for her in that way. I feel sorry for unattractive women.”

I don’t know how “cunty” Alexis Stewart is, but Britney & Paris are whores, Arianna Huffington is a pig, Oprah hates men, and Elena Kagan is ugly as shit. What’s the problem?

MM was particularly outraged that Carlson had a low opinion of prostitutes from certain locations:

Tucker Carlson called sex workers in Florida “slutty and pathetic.”

Carlson: “There’s no Canadian woman that you’d want to pay to sleep with.”

Can you imagine being so liberal that you take offense at someone saying a woman who takes money for sex is slutty?

Finally, MM went bonkers over these Hillary Clinton related quips:

Carlson: Former President Bill Clinton should get a divorce and “take up plural marriage or something with a bunch of teenagers in a foreign country.”

Carlson: “If [Hillary Clinton] could castrate you, she would,” and “thereby she gets not a single vote from any white male.”

Carlson: If Hillary Clinton were president, “how long do you think it would take before she castrated you?”

Carlson: Hillary Clinton is “anti-penis.”

I invite Media Matter to actually fact-check these statements and they will find that they rank completely true.

It wasn’t just MM that freaked out over this stuff. Some of the biggest names in liberal bitchiness expressed their outrage as well:

You’ll excuse me if I can’t share in this selective liberal outrage. These are the same people who thought it was empowering when Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump a “feckless c*unt,” didn’t care that VA Gov. Ralph Northam used to moonwalk in blackface, and completely ignored Rep. Ilhan Omar’s anti-semitism. Tucker Carlson didn’t say anything racist and made a few astute observations. Big whoop.