Monday Breakfast For The Brain

The only thing that sucks ass more than a screaming socialist is freaking Monday.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: The Face of the Left

Via The American Thinker

Years ago, a white friend told me her son came home from middle school in tears, overcome with guilt. He was taught that his white ancestors were responsible for horrible things done to native Americans, blacks, and women. Today, her son is a young adult communist. He hates America and believes white men are the greatest source of evil in the world. He actually said he will not have children because he does not want to bring more of his kind into the world.

Leftists teaching children to hate the race that God made them is evil. White students as young as six years old are outrageously taught that they are born racist, should feel guilty for their “white privilege” and have a responsibility to pay back blacks. Black students have been taught the same leftist lies which has created in them victim mindsets, a sense of entitlement and hatred for fellow Americans who are white. Democrat presidential candidates further white guilt and the lie that blacks are still victims of racist America. They absurdly want to pay $100 billion in reparations to blacks as payback for slavery.

Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her army of angry young zealots are the product of us allowing leftist educators to confiscate the hearts and minds of our kids.

Sandy O is the face of leftists’ movement to transform America from her founding, take down America as the world’s superpower and kill as many American babies as possible. Sandy O represents every crazy evil leftist lie allowed to be instilled in our kids for decades.

Totally brainwashed, Sandy O’s army believes it is inarguable that childbirth destroys the planet. Therefore, they have moral authority to murder babies before and after birth. Meanwhile, Sandy O’s army passionately defends the lives of sea turtles.

Read the entire article HERE.

Have the Democrats finally gone too far?

By Michael Goodwin

Pick up a newspaper or watch the news about what Democrats are up to and you’re certain to ask yourself the same question dominating American politics: Are they going too far?

Did Democrats overreach when they invited convicted liar and turncoat scammer Michael Cohen to tell Congress President Trump is a bad guy?

Are they on a ridiculous fishing expedition when they summon 81 people, including three of the president’s children, to testify to a congressional panel whose chairman says he’s certain Trump committed crimes, no matter what special counsel Robert Mueller says?

Have they lost their minds with plans for a single-payer health system, the Green New Deal, unrestricted abortion, open borders and endless free stuff?

Then there is the fiasco involving Rep. Ilhan Omar, whose habit of making anti-Semitic remarks somehow became a referendum on Islamophobia. In failing to call her out and instead treating her like a victim of Republican hate, did Democrats condone her anti-Semitism?

Read the entire article HERE.

The 1972 Progressive Pathway to Oblivion

Via American Greatness

What is strange about the new envisioned progressive agendas for 2020 is that no serious Democratic presidential candidate next year could ever run on them.

Instead, what we will see over the next few months are insidious efforts to ignore, disown, or recant endorsements of Democratic candidates for president. And if not, Democrats will be trapped by their own rhetoric and virtue signaling—and end up going the full McGovern in 2020.

Barring a war or depression, the 2020 election, for all the Democrats’ effort to demonize, bleed, slander or impeach Donald Trump, will be as it always is: a Manichean choice. This time around it will be simply the Trump agenda versus socialism, as it was when an embattled Nixon claimed that 1972 was either “the silent majority” or “Woodstock Nation.”

In 1972, the Democrats fell into a Jacobin cycle as they vied to devour all but the most left-wing. In 2020 that prior effort will look counterrevolutionary—and we will see candidates say things and push agendas that we have likely never experienced before in this country.

Read the entire article HERE.

As residents flee New York’s high taxes, state uses intrusive audits to get cash from defectors

Via Fox News

New York state goes to extraordinary lengths to catch wealthy residents who try to flee its burdensome taxes, leaving a gaping hole in the state’s treasury.

The aggressive approach by state tax collectors comes as the Empire State faces a $2.3 billion budget deficit that even Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo called “as serious as a heart attack.”

Cuomo, a vocal critic of President Trump, blamed congressional Republicans for passing tax reforms that reduced the state and local tax deduction Americans can take on their annual income tax forms — meaning residents of high-tax blue states like New York have been feeling the pinch, sparking their exodus.

“This is the flip side. Tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich,” Cuomo said last month. “We did. Now, God forbid, the rich leave.”

But New York state auditors are doing their best to ensure that those fleeing the state’s high taxes will face difficulties, including being subjected to an audit — likely to be followed by a massive tax bill.

Read the entire article HERE.

Many Californians Say They Will Leave as State Leads in Outmigration

Via The Washington Free Beacon

California leads the nation in outmigration, and has experienced a domestic outmigration decline since 1991, according to the California Department of Finance.

According to a recent survey, 53 percent of all Californians, 63 percent of millennials, and 76 percent of residents in the Bay Area say they are seriously considering leaving the state.

California has recorded net domestic out-migration since at least 1991, according to state data, meaning it has lost more people to other states than it has brought in from them – nearly every year.

In 2018, the Bay Area hit its highest level of outward migration in more than a decade, and still holds the top spot in the country for outmigration.

According to a new survey by Edelman Intelligence, 53 percent of Californians are considering moving out of state, citing its high cost of living. Millennials are more likely to leave the Golden State, as much as 63 percent said they wanted to leave.

But more than any other resident in California seeking to leave are the 76 percent of those surveyed living in the Bay Area.

Read the entire article HERE.

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