Thursday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables! It’s Thursday and even better yet, tomorrow’s Friday.

The Two-Faced Democrat Party

By Ben Garrison

Sharia Law is a faith-based code of conduct for all Muslims.

It’s estimated that there are 2 billion of them on planet, and that number is growing. Sharia Law is an inextricable part of their religion and it’s incompatible with western ideas of freedom.

In some countries, the punishment meted out for more egregious violations of Sharia Law is barbaric and cruel. In Brunei gay people can be stoned to death. People aren’t allowed to leave Islam. If they do, death can await them. Islam adherents do not mix well when they immigrate to western countries, because they are unwilling to tolerate the ‘infidels’ among them. They are free to commit crimes including rape on said infidels and Sharia Law is OK with that.

The move to make gay sex an offence punishable by stoning to death has sparked international condemnation and outcry

Incidences of rape have jumped off the charts in western Europe. Europeans who even vaguely criticize Islam can be locked up for ‘hate speech.’ Look at what Great Britain’s ‘authorities’ did to Tommy Robinson when he revealed the existence of Pakistani rape gangs.

In America the Democrats welcome diversity in its entire wondrous splendor. They want open borders and a big government willing to help anyone who is suffering in the world. This includes embracing Muslims. Any criticism of that religion leads to cries of ‘racism,’ even though Islam is not a race. Unlike Europe, Americans still have some semblance of free speech, but if Silicon Valley moguls have their way, that part of our First Amendment will be going away. We have freedom of religion and the freedom of speech to criticize any religion. However, those criticizing Islam on social media are often quickly banned.

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People are now intrinsically afraid of the repercussions, so most remain quiescent about Muslims without any warnings from the hectoring social media honchos. This especially includes Democrats and feminists. If someone questions late term abortions, the latter will loudly proclaim that men should stay out of such ‘decisions.’ Yet when it comes to female genital mutilation that now regularly occurs in America, they say nothing. They say little to condemn honor killings. Muslims raping ‘infidels’? The same silence. Condemnation is reserved for white males and Christians.

The Democrats can’t have it both ways. Their love of diversity also means they love divisiveness. The Balkanization of culture in America does not bring about harmony. When people can’t communicate with each other due to vast cultural and linguistic differences, it brings mistrust, crime, and the destruction of our Republic. Which is apparently what the Democrats want

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

Reparations bill wins new momentum in House

Via The Hill

House legislation to form a commission to study whether black Americans should receive reparations for slavery is getting a significant boost from Democrats on the presidential campaign trail.

Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.), the head of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), suggested that action on a reparations measure sponsored by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) is all but certain, with Democrats now in control of the lower chamber and the idea gaining prominence on the national stage.

Jackson Lee’s bill would form a commission to study the issue of reparations but does not call for black Americans to receive payments.

“I don’t think there needs to be pressure, we’re in charge,” Bass said. “It’s being discussed, I’m sure we’re going to get there.”

2020 hopefuls including Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) are backing the legislation. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), another presidential candidate, is a co-sponsor.

And on Wednesday, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) endorsed the idea, a pivot from his earlier statement of opposition to reparations payments.

“Absolutely I would sign that into law,” O’Rourke said of Jackson Lee’s bill during an interview with the Rev. Al Sharpton at his National Action Network convention in New York.

Read the entire article HERE.

Jayapal: Protect Transgender Freedom by Regulating All Americans

Via Breitbart

The federal government must regulate behavior by 330 million Americans to protect the freedom of transgender people, says progressive Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal.
“My beautiful, now 22-year-old child told me last year that they were gender nonconforming,” she tearfully said Tuesday, while using the “their” pronoun in place of “he.” She described how her son claims to be neither male nor female:

I came to understand what their newfound freedom ― it is the only way I can describe what has happened to my beautiful child, what their newfound freedom to wear a dress, to rid themselves of some conformist stereotype of what they are, to be able to express who they are at their real core … My child is free to be who they are. And in that freedom comes a responsibility for us as legislators to protect their freedom to be who they are and to legislate … behavior towards all people in our society.

Jayapal’s demand and her tearful celebration for her adult son’s “freedom” came during a hearing about H.R. 5, the Democrat-drafted bill that would require federal agencies to pressure Americans into agreeing that men and women can change their sex by declaring an opposite-sex “gender identity.”

This bill is not a stretch for Indian-born Jayapal, because she is a progressive who favors top-down direction of Americans’ economy, civic life, culture, and population. For example, she justifies this demand for government authority over sexual identity with a claim that progressives can maximize people’s freedom by imposing intensive regulation on thoughts and words.

Read the entire article HERE.

Hollywood Actors Try To Blackmail Georgia Over Measure To Protect Life In The Womb

Via The Federalist

Last week, Hollywood elites launched a full-fledged social media attack, threatening the state of Georgia with a boycott if the legislature passed HB 481, a “heartbeat bill,” that would essentially ban abortion after a baby’s heartbeat is detectable. Just as soon as actress Alyssa Milano spearheaded the effort, complete with a plea to Gov. Brian Kemp and some 50 signatures, the House passed the bill. Kemp is expected to sign it into law.

The Georgia Senate passed the Living Infants Fairness and Equality (LIFE) Act on a party-line vote earlier this month. The bill will “protect the fundamental rights of all persons, and specifically to protect the fundamental rights of particular classes of persons who had not previously been recognized under law” by making it illegal to abort a baby once a fetal heartbeat is detected, which is usually around the six-week mark.

Alyssa Milano Tries to Bully Kemp
When this measure came up for a vote in the House, Milano unveiled a letter telling Kemp, a first-term Republican, her plans. These included a threat to remove entertainment industry-related work from Georgia, a hot spot for filming television and movies.

To back herself up, she listed dozens of big-name actors, names she has continued to ad to the list, pledging o boycott Georgia as well, should HB 481 pass. Many on the list are powerhouses in the industry, including folks like Mandy Moore, Don Cheadle, and Amy Schumer.

Read the entire article HERE.

Socialists Surge To Victories In Chicago City Council

Via CBS Chicago

A total of five democratic socialists, and possibly a sixth, won races for alderman either in February or in Tuesday’s runoff elections.

That sixth candidate, Rosanna Rodriguez-Sanchez is trailing longtime Ald. Deb Mell by only a few dozen votes. Mell, whose family has represented the 33rd Ward for more than 40 years, is hoping that mail ballots will help her maintain her seat.

Two members backed by the Democratic Socialists of America won in the first round in February.

Carlos Ramirez Rosa won re-election in the 35th Ward. In the 1st Ward, Daniel La Spata defeated veteran Ald. Proco “Joe” Moreno.

Three more DSA-supported candidates won in the runoff.

On Tuesday, Andre Vasquez beat Ald. Patrick O’Connor, who was Mayor Emanuel’s floor leader. O’Connor also was named chairman of the powerful Finance Committee after Ald. Ed Burke was indicted on federal corruption charges. That race, and Burke’s fall from power, are all signals of a decline in the old-guard Democratic Machine on the City Council.

Read the entire article HERE.

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