Michael Moore Has Had It Up To His Third Chin With White People

We haven’t heard from bloated sack of fat Michael Moore in while. I assumed it was because he gets winded tweeting, but he was just actually building up his rage to unleash it on white people. It turns out the leftist agitator is sick and tired of white people being in charge and put them on notice that their time is up. Yes, it’s funny because Moore is also white, but it’s truly hilarious because the white person he is specifically sick of is Nancy Pelosi. Moore is certainly an expert on eating and he’s apparently branching out to eat his own.

I told you early about a Pelosi interview on 60 Minutes in which the House Speaker delivered a smackdown on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Moore watched it to and came up with up with a “white people bad” message:

Says the guy who doesn’t know when it’s time to walk away from the all-you-can eat buffet. Seriously, how is a guy who can’t put down a gallon tub of ice cream until it’s empty qualified to judge people who don’t know when it’s time to walk away?

Along those same lines, Moore doesn’t know when it’s time to walk away from a failed career. He hasn’t had a project in almost 2 decades that wasn’t a complete flop. Hang it up, porky. Get on the treadmill and do something productive with your time.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely time for Pelosi to retire, but it’s not because she’s white; it’s because she sucks. Honestly her whiteness is the only thing about her that isn’t completely objectionable. If it wasn’t for her being white she’d be a worse Maxine Waters and Maxine Waters is pretty horrible.

I think it’s obvious that as a leftist kook, Moore is upset that Pelosi threw some shade at AOC who is another leftist kook. Also, in that 60 minutes interview Pelosi said she doesn’t support impeaching President Trump, something Moore has been working on since before the inauguration. Well, as much as a big fat guy can work anyways. I guess if there’s no heavy lifting or cardio, he can handle it.

Then again, there could be some Charles Manson “Helter Skelter” shit going on here. Moore is basically saying the time of white rule is over, which also means he thinks minorities are getting ready to take over. Manson was trying to trigger a race war and believed the blacks would win but would be too stupid to rule and would chose him as there leader. Maybe Moore is hoping something similar will happen and he will be anointed king of the non-whites.

Perhaps this is a little preview of a new documentary he’s working on about how evil white people are: Whitey And Me, Bowling For Honkies, Fahrenheit KKK, etc… He’s tried several times to take down Trump and failed, but maybe he can’t annihilate the entire white race with a dumb movie nobody will watch. Or not.

Michael Moore has had it up to his third chin with white people and is eating his ideological comrades. This was inevitable as sooner or later he will eat everything. He’s a leftist black hole that consumes anything that gets near it. It’s good news that he’s not all that mobile and we should pray that he never gets one of those motorized fat lady scooters from Walmart.