Nancy Pelosi Tells AOC To Sit Down And STFU

When the new Congress was seated earlier this year it was supposed to be all about Nancy Pelosi regaining her position as House Speaker, but there was this little nit named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who stole all of her thunder. In the first quarter of this year it’s been all AOC all the time. The freshman Rep. from NY has gotten all the press, set the lunatic agenda for the democrats, and has become the face of the party. On Sunday Pelosi let AOC and any other insolent democrats know she is the Head Bitch In Charge (HBIC).

Pelosi was on 60 Minutes Sunday and the conversation turned to AOC and the radical socialist faction that has taken over the Democratic Party.

“So you are contending with a group in Congress: Over here on the left flank are these self-described socialists, on the right, these moderates. And you yourself said that you’re the only one who can unify everybody. And the question is can you?” Lesley Stahl asked.

“By and large, whatever orientation they came to Congress with, they know that we have to hold the center. That we have to be m– go down the mainstream.” claimed Pelosi.

“They know that?” Stahl asked in disbelief.

“They do,” Pelosi said.

Stahl wasn’t buying it that Pelosi has all of the kooks in the House under her control.

“But it doesn’t look like that. It looks as if it– you’re– it’s fractured. You have these wings– AOC, and her group on one side,” Stahl said.

“That’s like five people,” said Pelosi.

Damn. Talk about dismissing AOC and fellow lunatics.

Stahl still wasn’t buying this load.

“No, it’s– the progressive group is more than five,” Stahl argued.

No wait for this:

“Well, the progressive– I’m a progressive. Yeah,” said Pelosi.

First off, the question was about there being more than 5 far-left insurgents in the House and secondly, didn’t Pelosi just get done saying she was a centrist and had the rest of the democrats behind her centrist positions?

Whatever. This wasn’t the only shot she took at AOC. As you know, Ocasio-Cortez is a disciple of Bernie Sanders and is a stark-raving socialist. In response, Pelosi laid this down:

“I do reject socialism as an economic system. If people have that view, that’s their view. That is not the view of the Democratic Party,” said Pelosi.

That’s weird. Not only is most of the joke legislation put forth by the democrats in the House socialist in nature, every single democrat running in 2020 supports massive socialist programs. The democrats are pretty empty when it comes to ideas, but they sure as shit stand behind socialism.

Pelosi actually wasn’t done throwing shade at AOC. Speaking in London on Monday, Pelosi pointed out that Ocasio-Cprtez winning her election in a solid blue district was not that much of an accomplishment:

“This glass of water would win with a “D” next to it in those districts,” said Pelosi.

So AOC is roughly as competent to serve in the House as a glass of water? I can’t say I disagree, though a glass of water seems a lot more useful than the dingbat socialist.

In the past 24 hours Pelosi has dismissed AOC on three separate occasions and it couldn’t be funnier. This is pretty much Pelosi telling AOC to sit down and shut up. Let’s see how AOC resounds. If this came from a Republican, AOC would scream “racism” and accuse everyone of being afraid of her and trying to silence her.

Clearly Pelosi is unhappy with AOC challenging her authority, which also means there is massive discontent within the party. This is only going to get funnier, especially as we approach the 2020 elections. I suspect the democrats will implode spectacularly between now and then.