Joe Biden’s Campaign Message: MAGA And No Gays!

I just wrote about how excited I was for Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign because it’s going to be hilarious. I more or less wrote that he was funny today, but would be even more hilarious tomorrow. It turns out I was wrong, because he didn’t even wait a day to ramp up the hilarity. His campaign message is literally “Make America Great Again by getting rid of the gays.” I’m sure he’ll tweak that a little, but that’s what he has going on day 1 of his comedy tour/presidential campaign.

MSNBC grabbed some video of Biden in Wilmington, Delaware today and broadcast it as “Biden’s message to the world.” And what exactly did Crazy Joe want the world to know? This:

“America is coming back like the way we used to be. Ethical. Straight. Telling the truth. Moving it away. Supporting our allies. That bill of those good things,” said Biden.

I honestly don’t know if my transcription of Biden is accurate because he slurs his speech a lot, but he definitely said “America is coming back like the way we used to be.” Now if that sounds a little familiar it’s because it’s another way of saying “Make America Great Again.” As I’m sure you all know, this is President Trump’s slogan and the left considers it to be very racist. Will the left be equally as outraged over Biden’s racist use of this slogan? Probably not and it’s also unlikely they’ll freak out over his homophobia either.

After saying he’s going to make America the way it used to be, he lists the ways he’ll achieve that. #2 on this list is making America “straight.” Apparently he plans on getting rid of all the gay people, which is quite honestly not a very progressive stance to take. Biden is going to do to gay people what the Green New deal does to cows. This could be a global warming thing, but it sure seems homophobic.

If liberals acknowledge this atrocious Biden statement they will argue that he didn’t mean to say he’s getting rid of the gays, but there’s some compelling evidence that he is homophobic. First, as a Senator he voted for the Defense of Marriage Act that defined marriage as being between a man and a woman. Second, as Def-Con’s Donn Martin reported earlier today, Biden has publicly stated that he views gay people as a national security risk. This is definitely not a typical Biden gaffe.

To put this statement to the ultimate test, image if Trump had said it. If the President said he was was going to make America the way it used to be and specifically mentioned “straight” the left would explode in outrage. It would be the most homophobic thing anyone has ever said. Liberals already blow up over out-of-context Trump statements, so this would be a couple hundred megatons more explosive.

Personally, I think this is great. The Democratic Party’s frontrunner just told the world that he’s going to “Make America Straight Again” and that’s just another indicator that Trump’s reelection is in the bag.

Meanwhile, Biden’s campaign is off to a hilarious start and there can only be more to come. He’s already said he wants to stop Trump from turning America into Nazi Germany and shouted “MAGA, bitches, but no gays!” It’ll be hard to top that, but they don’t call him “Crazy Joe” for nothing and he’s up to the task.