Vet Fired After Accident For Using Medical Marijuana to Treat His PTSD

Marijuana, or as The Jaydolf likes to call it, “the Devil’s lettuce,” is a divisive issue for some here. Some use it, some hate it, some are neutral. But what I have a problem with is that a military veteran who was diagnosed with PTSD and using legal medical marijuana to treat the symptoms, was fired from his landscaping job after accidentally cutting himself with a razor. Pardon the pun, but “let us” begin.

Via ABC 15 Arizona

Valley military veteran fired for using medical marijuana

MESA, AZ — A military veteran says he is out of a job because of the medication he uses for PTSD.

This Desert Storm combat veteran doesn’t want to reveal his identity for fear of failing to find work.

The former Navy Airman, like so many returning home, battles intense demons.

“I was mad at the world, coming back from a combat situation where you’re under that constant stress, you have a different outlook on life when you get back.”

The stresses of war leading to a diagnosis of PTSD; he turned to medical marijuana to numb the pain.

“I’m a completely different person. I just mellow out, I veg, it helps me forget about things.”

But last week, the same drug that’s done so much good for his life, has cost him his job with a local landscaping company.

“I was doing some repairs on equipment, and the razor blade I was using to cut some hose slipped and sliced my hand open.”

He immediately went to the hospital for treatment and was required by his employer to take a drug test. Of course he failed, but not before letting his boss know he had a medical marijuana card.

“I was informed they were going to have to let me go, per their policy.”

According to state laws, you can’t be fired for having a medical marijuana card. You also can’t be denied employment based on that fact.

This is what I have a problem with. Recently I’ve had back problems that caused me severe enough pain to be prescribed Oxycodone. On a few occasions I’ve had to take it at work. Not long ago at work I accidentally cut my finger badly enough to require stitches. Same as this guy, they made me pee in a cup. I hadn’t taken any Oxy that day, but had the day before, and knew I would therefore test positive for opioids. Also, as this guy did, I informed my boss and the urgent care people that this would be the case. But since it was a prescribed drug, nothing happened. I still have the same job. So how is this guy’s case any different? It’s not just that he was smoking the lettuce. This was LEGAL medical marijuana.

“Lawyers across the country are struggling with how do we reconcile conflicting laws,” said Scott Gibson, an attorney with Davis Miles Law Firm in Tempe.

While the drug is medically legal in Arizona, it remains under federal ban.

And while Oxycodone is a controlled substance, it’s use is legal if it’s prescribed. Again, I don’t see the difference. A doctor had to sign off for him to get that card so how is that any different than a prescription for any other drug?

Employers and those they hire struggle to understand where their rights begin and end.

“If the employer can cite to specific acts that show impairment, that employee would not be entitled to protection,” said Gibson.

In this case, it may be the injury itself that gives the employer enough evidence to claim impairment caused the accident.

Unlike alcohol, there’s no way to tell if you’ve used on the job or weeks before. “There needs to be a set standard of testing levels of impairment,” Gibson noted.

The honorable discharged Navy veteran is now hunting for a new job, but wants to warn others not to get caught off guard like he did.

“Be careful cause you’re not as safe as you think you are, the law doesn’t protect you as much as you think.”

I also have been diagnosed with PTSD. I don’t use the Devil’s lettuce for it, but I know a lot of people do, and they claim it really helps them. So if that’s what works for them, more power to ’em. I think this was a wrongful termination. What do you all think?

And with that, I have an opportunity to share another “Fucking Pirates” song with you. We did this one about PTSD. The voice overs are from interviews with the actual veterans from “Band of Brothers.” I hope you enjoy it. \m/