Michael Bloomberg Brags That He’s Older Than Joe Biden

Recently Joe Biden said he needed to pick a young vice president because he’s an “old guy,” suggesting he might not live long enough to serve out a 4-year term as president. That was an odd platform to run on for sure but Micheal Bloomberg is going full-looney by one-upping him. The billionaire busybody who is trying to buy his way into the democratic primaries actually bragged that he’s older than old man Biden. Someone should tell him that being closer to a date with the Grime Reaper isn’t a great selling point in presidential campaigns.

Check this weird thing out from an interview Bloomberg did with WPRI:

Bloomberg rejected suggestions he is hurting other moderate Democrats — notably Vice President Joe Biden, who is on track to come in a disappointing fourth place in Monday’s Iowa Caucus — by preventing them from consolidating like-minded voters.

“What’d I miss? Why? Am I not as important to this country? I’ve been an American for longer than Mayor Pete [Buttigieg] has. I’ve been an American for longer than Joe Biden has. I have a right to run, as well, and the public can pick and choose,” said Bloomberg.

He’s not wrong. Joe Biden was born November 20, 1942, while Bloomberg was born February 4, 1942. Bloomy is about 8 months older than Joey, so yes, he has been an American longer than the former VP. But still…so what?

Is being the oldest guy in the race suddenly the most important thing? If so, Bernie Sanders is the frontrunner. He was born on September 8, 1941. Sanders however is a commie so Bloomberg can definitely claim he’s been American longer.

And that brings up another weird thing about this Bloomberg brag: He seems to be under the impression that age equals patriotism. He’s saying the older you are, the more American you are. That’s not how it works, plus these are all democrats, so none of them qualify as patriotic Americans.

Everything the democrats stand for, even for the so-called moderates like Bloomberg, is against everything this country stands for. They hate Constitutional rights, they despise our heritage and history, they loathe our economic system, and they want to destroy everything that defines this country. In reality, none of these clowns are truly Americans.

Bloomberg, Biden, and Sanders are actually so old they aren’t even baby boomers. They come from the “silent generation” named so because there are so few of them left alive that they don’t make much noise any more.

After Hillary Clinton tanked in the 2016 election democrats said they have to get younger and more diverse. Instead, they’ve gotten older and whiter because democrats always do the opposite of what they say. They’ve run all of the young minorities out of the race and now they are left with several hundred years of unelectable rich white guys. No wonder they tried so hard to get President Trump removed from office; they can’t possibly win with any of their candidates.

Meanwhile, it certainly looks like Bloomberg is trying to find a good campaign slogan here:

Bloomberg 2020: Older Than Dirt

Bloomberg 2020: I’ll Croak Before Biden

Bloomberg 2020: Old, Rich, Short

At least Bloomberg is proving that money can’t buy everything. He’s dropped close to $300 million on his vanity campaign and he’s no better off than Amy Klobuchar. He could waste all of his billions and he’ll still never be President of the United States.