Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

UGH! It’s already Monday again.

Challenging Liberal Racism

Via American Greatness

When it comes to liberal racism, the biggest culprit is socialism itself. Mainstream Joe Biden type Democrats are just corrupt liberals, mouthing anti-racist platitudes to attract votes while their liberal racist policies do more harm than good to nonwhites. But the rising tide of die-hard socialists within the Democratic party—fueled, in part, by rising percentages of nonwhite voters—threatens to bring new levels of misery to everyone, nonwhites most of all.

Whether this new breed of Democrats are just pandering cynics like U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), or fanatical ignoramuses like Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), their ideas, including reparations, redistribution of wealth, open borders, free healthcare, free college tuition, 100 percent renewable energy, guaranteed income, guaranteed jobs, and so forth, are utterly infeasible. If even half of these schemes ever became law, the United States would lose the prosperity that is the surest and, possibly, only way that nonwhites can be assured the opportunity for upward mobility.

Ultimately, that’s what liberal racism is all about. It isn’t about raising nonwhites up through equal opportunity, it’s about enforcing equal outcome, no matter what the cost. In the real world, that cost would be crushing. History is filled with examples of failed socialist utopias, and current events provide additional examples unfolding before our eyes.

America’s “people of color” need to make some tough choices. Do they want to adhere to the liberal racist temptation to blame any shortcomings in their lives on white oppression, or do they want to grab the American dream the only way it can endure, which is through hard work and merit against an immutable and equally applied standard?

Read the entire article HERE.

The Green New Deal, Israel, and Mayor Pete

Via The Unz Review

In order to counteract any criticism from blacks and their supporters, Buttigieg has put forth an “agenda for black America” which focuses on five things “that all of us care about: homeownership, entrepreneurship, education, health and justice.” And Buttigieg has also said he would sign a bill that would start a study of reparations for black Americans.

Buttigieg met with the Reverend Al Sharpton in New York City twice in April to gain the support of the influential African American leader and it seems to have worked. “We have got to deal with homophobia in all communities, including the black community, including the faith community,” Sharpton said. “We are saying that people ought to be judged on their merits.”

Despite his limited political background, the mainstream media has in the past months gone gaga over “Mayor Pete.” The media have embraced Buttigieg like no Democratic candidate since Barack Obama. A Los Angeles Times article of April 12 wrote: “the breakout star of the 2020 presidential campaign and, for the moment, the hottest thing in American politics.” And a piece in the Atlantic opined: “Getting nonstop press is different from getting actual votes, but for now, Pete Buttigieg is everywhere.”

Read the entire article HERE.

The Real Democratic Agenda: It’s impeaching Donald Trump

Via The Washington Free Beacon

And you thought Democrats won the House out of fear Republicans would drop coverage of preexisting conditions. That they wanted to spend this Congress addressing the cost of prescription drugs, building roads and bridges, resolving the legal status of DACA recipients, expanding gun background checks. Don’t be silly! Rashida Tlaib let spill the real Democratic agenda back in January, when she said they were going to “impeach the motherf—er.”

Democrats have a problem. The base wants to impeach President Trump, ASAP, but the public does not. Indeed, Trump’s approval rating is the highest it’s been in the Gallup survey, right around Obama’s at this point in his term. The brute facts of public opinion suggest that the impeachment of Trump would look more like Bill Clinton’s trial than Richard Nixon’s. Not only would Trump remain in office; the backlash might deprive the Democrats of their 17-seat House majority.

For months, Nancy Pelosi’s solution has been to walk right up to the line of impeachment without actually crossing it. Unleash committee chairmen to fire their subpoena cannons in every direction. Make unrealistic demands of Attorney General Barr. Have Swalwell and Lieu and the rest of the cable gang keep alive the conspiracy theory that the Trump campaign was in criminal cahoots with Russia. Drag out the process into next year, when a weakened and bedraggled Trump faces the eventual Democratic nominee. That way Pelosi gets the political benefits of impeachment without the costs.

It’s not working.

Read the entire article HERE.

Gay Democrat Mocks, Harasses Christians For Praying Quietly On Sidewalk

Via The Federalist

LGBT advocacy today comes from a place of rage and hatred. It is a movement of obnoxious lecturing, intimidation, bullying, and bitter rage that does little more than validate prejudices.

Pennsylvania state Rep. Brian Sims is best known for responding to a visit from Vice President Mike Pence to his city by raising his middle finger and saying, “To be clear, we’re a City of soaring diversity…So keep that in mind while you’re here raising money to attack more families, spread more lies, blaspheme with your bible, and maybe even talk to a woman without your wife in the room.” He ended his post declaring, “So…get bent, then get out!”

LGBT media cheered on the display of “resistance” during gay pride month. Then, just a few days ago, Sims filmed himself berating an elderly woman who stood in front of Philadelphia’s Planned Parenthood quietly praying. In a tweet posting his video he said, “Push back against Planned Parenthood protestors, PLEASE! They prey on young women, they use white privilege, & shame. They’re racist, classist, bigots who NEED & DESERVE our righteous opposition. Push back, please! #YouAreStrongEnough.”

He then began recording the woman while asking his followers to donate $100 to Planned Parenthood for every hour she stood praying. He approached her and asked, “How many children have you clothed today? How many shoes have you put on children today? How many have you fed? Or have you spent all day standing outside Planned Parenthood shaming people for what they have a constitutional right to do?” The woman ignored him and continued praying.

For nine minutes Sims berated the woman with growing aggressiveness, calling her a “racist,” “disgusting,” and referring to her as an “old white lady” who is telling people what they can do with their bodies. As of this writing, the video has nearly 600,000 views.

Read the entire article HERE.

Schiff: Biden Ukraine Scandal Should Be Off Limits

Via Zero Hedge

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) said on Sunday that Joe Biden’s Ukraine corruption scandal should be off limits as the 2020 US election approaches, and that President Trump shouldn’t be allowed to investigate – or encourage Ukraine to investigate.

Biden has come under fire for a March, 2016 incident in Kiev in which he threatened to withhold $1 billion in US loan guarantees to Ukraine unless President Petro Poroshenko fired his head prosecutor, General Viktor Shokin, who was leading a wide-ranging corruption investigation into natural gas firm Burisma Holdings. As it so happens, Joe’s son Hunter Biden sat on Burisma’s board, and was indirectly paid as much as $50,000 per month.

Read the entire article HERE.

In Case You Missed It:

Adam Schiff’s collusion with oligarch, Ukrainian arms dealer, exposed

Via The Duran

What drives Adam Schiff’s never ending Russia hysteria?

When in doubt follow the money. Congressman Schiff’s well documented Putin obsession may have something to do with his billionaire, military complex, oligarch patron from Ukraine.

In a Zerohedge post yesterday, chronicling the latest Adam Schiff idiocy, where the Democrat Congressman spoke to a crowd at the University of Pennsylvania, declaring Russian ads promoted the Second Amendment during the 2016 election “so we will kill each other” commenter AlaricBalth linked some interesting information on Schiff’s underlying motivation behind his Russia hysteria…

Adam Schiff is an owned hatchet man of Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Pasternak. Schiff’s anti-Russian narrative is carefully orchestrated by his Ukrainian handlers

Read the entire article HERE.

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