The New Obama: Spartacus Booker Vows To Sic IRS On The NRA If Elected

Democrats and their talking heads like the corpse of Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein that keeps getting dragged out have spent much time screaming that President Trump is the second coming of Richard M. Nixon with his enemies list but it is they who are the real fascists.

Just like Nixon, former President Barack H. Obama had a fondness for weaponizing the federal government against his political enemies which Dear Leader did when he used the Internal Revenue Service like his own personal Gestapo to go after conservative tea party groups in what should have been a scandal that would have brought his tyrannical regime down.

Not only did Obama sic the IRS on his adversaries but details continue to emerge of the massive surveillance and entrapment operation undertaken by his secret police intel chiefs to set up and frame President Trump.

Now with the jousting starting to get serious over who will emerge from the crab barrel to face off against Trump next year, Dem candidates are openly touting how they would rule with dictatorial power if they manage to slither back into the White House.

Take for example former Newark Mayor and current New Jersey Senator Cory “Spartacus” Booker who is vowing to unleash the IRS on the National Rifle Association as a predicate for the socialist gun confiscation that will take place if Dems regain control.

Via The Daily Caller:

Democratic presidential candidate and New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker is promising to investigate the NRA’s tax-exempt status if he becomes president.

Booker wrote a column in New Hampshire’s Concord Monitor Sunday in which he promises “the most comprehensive gun violence prevention plan in decades – and brings the fight to the NRA like never before.”

“Beginning on Day One of my presidency, I’ll take action to close dangerous loopholes in gun sales, crack down on unscrupulous dealers and gun manufacturers, and invest in communities impacted by gun violence. And I am immediately calling on the Internal Revenue Service to investigate the NRA’s tax status to determine whether the self-dealing and other activities recently reported in the press should lead to revocation of its tax-exempt status,” he wrote.

Not only is Booker openly calling for tyranny but his fellow 2020 hopeful Kamala Harris has just promised that if she is elected that one of her first priorities will be an executive order targeting gun dealers.

Neither one, however, had a damn thing to say about black on black crime which unlike school shootings, doesn’t get the headlines despite the massive body count that can be attributed to gang violence abetted by the glorification of thuggery by the hip hop culture.