‘Good Place’ Actress Says Killing Her Baby Was The Best Decision She Ever made

In the original Pet Cemetery actor Fred Gwynne’s character said “Sometimes, dead is better.” He was talking about burying a human in the tainted ground of the pet cemetery that brings people back to life making them homicidal zombies however. Jameela Jamil also thinks dead is better and definitely doesn’t want her child springing back to life. The Good Place actress said the choice to abort her baby was the best decision she ever made. I’m guessing she hasn’t made many decisions in her life and that the ones she did make were unmitigated disasters if killing a baby was the smartest thing she ever did.

Jameela Jamil plays Tahani Al-Jamil on NBC’s sitcom The Good Place. The basic premise of the show is that a group of people, Jamil’s character included, led shitty lives on Earth and can’t get into heaven after they die. In a case of life imitating art, check this f*cked up tweet out:

Too bad we can’t get her aborted baby’s input on this brilliant decision, huh? If I were a betting man, I’d put it all on her baby saying dead is not better.

Wow, what an incredibly horrible thing to tweet. Most people would say the best decision they ever made involved marrying their spouse and starting a family, but this lunatic is bragging about snuffing out her baby’s life. Only a sociopath thinks taking a human life is the greatest thing they have ever achieved.

Jamil’s reasoning is also quite disturbing. Her premise is that she got pregnant and didn’t want the baby, so it would have had a rotten life in foster homes. Babies get adopted and grow up enjoying life. It’s possible that unwanted babies can go on to achieve greatness or at the very least not hate every day of their lives.

Jamie Foxx, Steve Jobs, Marilyn Monroe, and Bill Clinton were all adopted. Somehow this group managed to win Academy Awards, innovate technology, become a major movie star, and get impeached as president of the United Sates for being a lying pervert. The thing is, they all achieved greatness and enjoyed the hell out of their lives. I guarantee that Jobs and Monroe would say being alive beats the shit out of being dead.

Jameela Jamil was born into privilege and was a model before she became an actress. Had she kept her baby it would have grown up having everything a child could hope for. Maybe the most the f*cked up thing about this is that she apparently killed her unborn baby because it would have interfered with her career.

The reason why Jamil is bragging about killing her baby is because, like all Hollywood liberals, she’s upset that Georgia passed a law to protect the rights of the unborn:

So it’s inhumane to stop women from killing their babies as a matter of convenience? Maybe it’s just me, but I think it’s inhumane for irresponsible women to abort their babies because they can’t take responsibility for their actions. Feminists bitch that abortion restrictions take away the control they have over their own bodies and yet they somehow have no control over thier bodies when they get impregnated.

Also, Georgia’s new law has exemptions for victims of rape, so this liberal hysteria is a lie. I know, I was shocked too. Who would have thought liberals would bullshit about something to push their hysterical agenda?

On Jameela Jamil bio it says she once ran into the street and was hit by a car because she was running from a bee. She broke several bones including her spine and was told she may never walk again. That easily qualifies as a better decision than deciding to kill her baby. Running from bees is an infinitely better way to get into the “Good Place” than snuffing out a baby.