De Blasio Is Running For President And Trump Has Some Thoughts

In a move literally no one was asking for, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio has announced he’s running for president in 2020. He joins 22 other weirdos, goofballs, and anonymous dorks vying for the democratic party nomination but nobody is goofier and weirder than de Blasio so he may have slight edge. President Trump has some thoughts on de Blasio’s candidacy and naturally they are not flattering.

De Blasio announced his candidacy in a video in which he basically says he’s running for president to counter everything Donald Trump has done.

“Don’t back down in the face of a bully, confront him. Donald Trump must be stopped, I’ve beaten him before and I will do it again,” claims de Blasio.

Really? When has de Blasio beaten Trump? In an election? In golf? This has never happened. Much like Joe Biden, de Blasio is announcing his candidacy with a lie.

De Blasio fired the opening shot so cue President Trump:

Like I said, not flattering but certainly hilarious. Unfortunately Trump didn’t give de Blasio a nickname but that may be an insult as well. It’s Trump’s way of saying the NYC Mayor is so unimportant he doesn’t deserve a nickname. De Blasio however hit back at Trump with a lame nickname and a lamer response:

Con Don? Do better, Bill. You’re trying to take on the shit-talking master.

What makes Trump’s takedown so effective is that there is truth behind it. NYC does hate de Blasio. 76% of NYC residents don’t think he should run for president and his job approval rate is under water by 8 points. Also, he is a joke. He kills groundhogs and makes fun of black people for being lazy. Plus he’s a rich socialist hypocrite who’s run NYC into the ground.

In de Blasio’s campaign announcement video he starts off by saying, “There’s plenty of money in this country, it’s just in the wrong hands.”

Yeah, he’s running for president on a massive redistribution of wealth scheme. He’s going to take the money away from the people who earned it and give it to the lazy people who don’t deserve it.

“As president I will take on the wealthy,” says de Blasio.

De Blasio plans on treating hardworking successful people like ISIS and vows to destroy them. I have a feeling he’ll make an exception for rich people who want to give money to his joke presidential campaign.

The biggest joke of all however is the democratic party. They now have 23 candidates for the presidency in their effort to take out Trump. Not only isn’t there one in the bunch who can do it, they are all the same gun-grabbing, global warming alarmist, high taxes, socialists. How are the hysterical liberal crybabies supposed to pick one?