President Trump’s Immigration Plan May Have Broken Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi is crazy but still has brief moments of clarity where it seems like she is occasionally still tethered to the real world. With her sanity hanging on by a thread, it’s import that nothing happens to snap that lifeline, but it’s possible Trump just cut her off. The President unveiled his immigration proposal Thursday and it appears to have broken the House Speaker irreparably.

As Fox News reports, President Trump present his plan to fix immigration in this country:

President Trump on Thursday unveiled a long-awaited immigration overhaul that would dramatically alter how the U.S. accepts people into the country, upending the system in order to favor admissions based on merit rather than family ties.

“If adopted, our plan will transform America’s immigration system into the pride of our nation and the envy of the modern world,” said Trump.

The proposal would judge immigrants with a points-based system that would favor high-skilled workers — accounting for age, English proficiency, education and whether the applicant has a well-paying job offer.

Currently, only about 12 percent of immigrants are admitted based on employment and skills, while 66 percent are admitted based on family connections inside the U.S. Administration officials estimate that those numbers would flip to 57 and 33 percent, respectively, under the Trump plan.

Trump said the proposal would also require immigrants to be financially self-sufficient, learn English and pass a civics exam before admission.

…Trump said it closes loopholes so that gang members and criminals are inadmissible, and would stop frivolous asylum claims.

If there’s one thing Nancy Pelosi hates more than rewarding merit, it’s president Trump, so she was already going off on his immigration plan before it was revealed.

“I want to just say something about the word they use ‘merit.’ It is really a condescending word. They’re saying family is without merit?” Pelosi asked accusingly.

Well no, nobody said anything about families. And while we are on the subject, Pelosi and the democrats all favor abortion and hate everything about traditional families, so maybe she ought to pick a different line of attack.

Also, the Speaker of the House thinks it’s condescending to reward people for their hard work, which actually isn’t a huge surprise.

“Are they saying most of the people who have ever come to the United States in the history of our country are without merit because they don’t have an engineering degree?” Pelosi asked.

Nope. Absolutely nobody besides Pelosi said that. There is a difference between someone who is educated and contributes to America and a low-life scumbag who wants to come here for the government handouts.

“Certainly we want to attract the best to our country, and that includes many people from many parts of society,” lied Pelosi.

If it is her goal to attract the best to our country, and it isn’t, Pelosi should be on board with a merit-based system, but clearly she isn’t. You don’t attract the best from all parts of society as she claims. You don’t get future doctors from a group of rapists and murderers with face tattoos.

“It’s about our vitality and youth,” said Pelosi as she made a hand gesture like she was manually stimulating a penis. I’m not kidding, watch the video. It happens around the 1:48 mark.

Finally, here is the exact moment that Trump’s immigration plan snapped that last connection to sanity inside Pelosi’s brain:

“We’ve only heard titles like merit, which is non-merit. It means merit in the eyes of Donald Trump,” said Pelosi.

WTF? So merit is “non-merit” whatever the hell that is, but it actually is merit accept only to President Trump, which of course makes it meritless? Yup, she’s gone.

Pelosi has slipped permanently into her fantasy world, but before she went, she let the entire county know that she thinks it’s a terrible idea to vet people before they immigrate to this country and even worse if we try to get a few of them who aren’t total pieces of shit.