Kamala Harris Steals Obama’s ‘If You Like Your Doctor…’ Lie

You know how if everything goes to shit, you try something different? Well, that ain’t the democrats’ way. For them if something ends up being a big steaming pile, they figure they’re just not trying hard enough or giving it time to work. Senator Kamala Harris, in all of her brilliance, has recycled Obama’s “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” lie to sell her socialist Medicare-For-All plan. You know what they say about trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results, right?

Back when he was pushing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Obama famously lied, “If you like the plan you have, you can keep it.  If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too.  The only change you’ll see are falling costs as our reforms take hold.”

Obviously none of that was true about the ACA, but Obama kept repeating it, even after the law took effect and millions of people were kicked off their health care plans, lost their doctors, and saw their premiums skyrocket. It was such an outrageous load of crap that it landed Obama the coveted Lie of the Year in 2013.

I guess Kamala Harris was sleeping through Obama’s presidency because she just dusted off this lie to help push her Medicare-For-All plan. At a town hall in South Carolina on Tuesday Harris attacked critics who say people can’t keep their doctors under her socialist health care plan:

“Well 91% of the doctors in the United States are in the Medicare system, so the odds-on favorite is that you will be able to keep your doctor,” Harris said.

It’s a slight variation, but more or less the same thing as Obama’s lie.

The question is: why does Harris think this lie that stained Obama’s presidency is going to suddenly work for her? Either she thinks we are all stupid or she’s stupid. Actually, I’m almost certain it’s both.

This is kind of like using British Army Major General Sir Edward Pakenham’s plan for the Battle of New Orleans as a blueprint for all future military action; it’s a proven loser. The British lost 2,000 troops in a half-hour ass-kicking courtesy of Andrew Jackson. While she’s at it, maybe Harris can capture some of Napoleon’s “magic” at the Battle of Waterloo.

Besides being the definition of insanity, Harris is trying to prove the “shit plus one” theory wrong. Conventional wisdom says that is something is shit and you add one to it, it still equals shit. Harris thinks if she takes Obama’s lie and adds “chances are you can keep your doctor” it suddenly becomes the truth. That ain’t how it works, Kameltoe.

Also in this town hall, Harris had this exchange with moderator Lawrence O’Donnell to see how high she could stack the cow shit:

“Mandatory Medicare for everyone?” O’Donnell asked.

“For everyone,” responded Harris.

“So that does mean giving up their current private healthcare plans?” O’Donnell inquired.

“No, but they would be entitled to receive and have basically supplemental insurance, but under Medicare For All and my vision for Medicare For All, we would expand the coverage of Medicare so it would include dental, it would vision for our seniors, it would include hearing aids, which are so expensive. The goal is that everyone is going to be in the same system,” Harris said.

If it’s “mandatory” Medicare-For-All, that means everyone has to have Medicare and not private insurance. If the goal is to have everyone in the same system and that system is Medicare, that means no private insurance. Now stay with me on the one: if there’s no private insurance, people don’t get to keep their health plans.

Here I think Harris is stealing another failed line from a democratic president. Instead of Bill Clinton’s “that depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is, Harris is going with “that depends on what the meaning of “mandatory” is.

When you have something as horrible and doomed to fail like Medicare-For-All you certainly can’t tell the truth about it because nobody would buy into it. Sadly, everything democrats stand for is terrible, which is why all they do is lie about their positions and platforms.