Maxine Waters Calls Trump A ‘Traitor’ And ‘Porn Star Fornicator’

You’ll have to excuse Maxine Waters for being late on this one because she’s old and senile. While all the rest of the democrats were feigning outrage that President Trump insulted Joe Biden over the weekend, she was taking a nap. What she lacks in relevancy  she more than makes up with pure insanity, calling the President a “traitor” and a “porn star fornicator.” Wait until she finds out about the Mueller report. She gone be mad.

Behold the Mad Maxine tweet storm:

If Trump had badmouth America on foreign soil, as Obama did, that would be unAmerican and outrageous. It doesn’t rise to the level of treason, but it wouldn’t be cool. That’s not what Trump did however, all he said was that Joe Biden is a “low IQ individual” something he calls Maxine Waters as well. Biden is not America, so insulting him, or pointing out facts about his intelligence, doesn’t make Trump a traitor.

Trump simply agreed with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un that Joe Biden is an idiot. This is not the same thing as compromising our national security. OMG, it just occurred to me that both Trump and Kim wear shoes. They must be in cahoots together to destroy our democracy. This is dumb, even for Maxie Pad.

Maxine Waters feels Trump should just resign to save her the trouble of impeaching him. That seems lazy to me and it certainly doesn’t do anything to dispel the stereotypes about black people’s work ethic.

Where did the “tax cheat” thing come from? Trump refusing to turn his taxes over to crazy democrats in the House is entirely different than cheating on his taxes. Trump is the most high-profile rich guy in America and get’s audited by the IRS every single year. If he were cheating on his taxes, he would have been busted by now.

Also, I can’t speak for the accuracy that Trump slept with Stormy Daniels, but I can offer this fact-check: she is a porn actress, not a porn star. Before she claimed an affair with Trump, nobody ever heard of her, mostly because she’s unappealing. A horse faced MIWLF (the “w” is for “wouldn’t”) is not a star anywhere but CNN.

This is all very crazy, but the real lunacy in her Twitter rant is this: Maxine Waters is accusing Trump of being an unAmerican traitor because he said something unflattering about a former VP. Meanwhile, Waters is talking mad shit about the current POTUS. Even worse, she is actively trying to remove the freely-elected President from office for no other reason than she doesn’t like him. Which of these two things seems unAmerican and traitorous?