Democrat Seth Moulton Compares Abortion To Our Troops

Democrats are bad at analogies. They compare our right to keep and bear arms with the privilege of driving. They compare guns to abortions as if exercising a Constitutional right is the same thing as killing a baby because it’s inconvenient. One democrat is so bad at this that he is comparing abortion to the fighting men and women of the United States Military. How? Why? WTF? You may need to induce some brain damage to bring yourself down to the level of a liberal to understand this one.

Seth Moulton is one of the many anonymous democrats running for the party’s 2020 presidential nomination. He has less of a shot than Eric “Duke Nukem” Swalwell but nevertheless he persisted. He was on CNN talking about abortion, and more specifically the fact that Joe Biden doesn’t support repealing the Hyde Amendment, which bans the federal government from paying for abortions.

When asked what he thinks about Joe Biden’s disinterest in getting rid of the Hyde Amendment, Moulton brought this:

“I think it’s wrong. It disproportionately attacks women who don’t have the private means to afford an abortion,” said Moulton.

If you can’t afford it, you don’t need it.

Now wait for it…

“It’s sort of like saying, you know, ‘I support the troops but don’t want to pay them,’” Moulton said.

No, it’s nothing like that. Granted, democrats lie and say they support the troops, but refuse to pay for them, but this analogy is still terrible.

What Moulton is really saying is, “We pay for our military so we should pay for abortions.” That’s what’s known as liberal logic. We pay for highways so does that mean we should also fund rape?

Our troops and military defend this country from foreign invaders. We pay for that because we want our awesome country to remain our awesome country. Abortion is killing an unborn baby and protects us from nothing. We don’t pay for that because it’s the complete opposite of awesome.

Now here’s the thing that makes this shitty analogy even shittier: Seth Moulton is veteran of the United States Marine Corps. He served 4 tours in Iraq, participating in some of the biggest battles of the war. He was awarded both the Bronze Star and the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal for valor. He’s a genuine American hero and should know better than to make this horribly offensive comparison.

My question is, why is this dude a democrat? And not just a regular democrat, but a whacko far-left progressive socialist democrat. I get why slacker doofus Beto O’Rourke is a democrat, but not this guy.

I feel like if President Trump had made a similarly stupid statement liberals would freak out and cry that he compared our troops to abortion on the 75th anniversary of D-Day and demand his impeachment. Maybe that’s why Moulton is a democrat: so he can say stupid offensive shit and not get called out on it.

Moulton is not very good at analogies, but I think I have a good one for him: Seth Moulton’s campaign is kind of like an unwanted pregnancy. He’s a white male, which nobody in the democratic party wants. Lucky for him there is no federal funding to terminate his candidacy and he will be able to take it to term where it will be stillborn.