Democrat Mark Warner: “Shame On Americans”

Democrats hate this country and everyone in it. They pretend that they love America, but what they really have a hard-on for is the socialist/totalitarian country they want to turn it in to. They are under strict orders to pretend allegiance to our free society, but really have nothing but contempt for everything the US stands for and everyone in the country. Democrat Senator Mark Warner accidentally let it slip when he shamed Americans for not buying into the left’s anti-American agenda. No really, he actually said “shame on Americans.”

This all starts with the latest liberal faux outrage about President Trump saying he would accept dirt on an opponent from a foreign government. He never actually said that, which clearly doesn’t matter to liberals, plus he never actually did it. Hillary Clinton and the DNC literally paid a foreign agent for fake opposition research against Trump, which was then used by Obama to spy on Trump. That’s not an outrage, but Trump saying he wouldn’t necessarily call the FBI if a foreigner offered him damaging information on a political opponent is unforgivable.

Liberals have turned this innocuous statement by President Trump into a scandal that he is inviting foreign governments to interfere with our elections. That about as dumb as it gets and this is actually as dumb as it gets. Mark Warner was on MSNBC pretending that Trump said something he didn’t, when he trashed every single person in this country:

“If the American public, no matter whether they watch Fox or MSNBC or anything in between, isn’t outraged by the comments that [Trump] made yesterday, then shame on Americans as well. Shame on all of us,” said Warner.

I don’t care what the context is, if the words “shame on Americans” ever comes out of the mouth of an elected representative of the people he can go f*ck himself. Warner should be removed from office and put on a garboard barge to Venezuela. He no longer gets to be a US Senator or an American.

The fact that the context of this terrible statement is that Americans should be ashamed of themselves for not buying into his liberal line of bullshit makes it even worse. Just because we don’t believe the crazy lies he and the democrats are pushing doesn’t mean we should be shamed, it means we should be commended for being independent thinkers who can see through their anti-American agenda.

This manages to get even more outrageous because interviewer Chuck Todd didn’t bat an eye when Warner shamed all Americans. He didn’t react in shock or even ask Warner if he would like to rephrase his condemnation of every single person in this country. It’s probably not surprising since the liberal media shares in the democratic party’s hatred for this country.

If anyone should feel shame it’s the voters of Virginia who put this asshole in office. Actually, when you look at all the top dogs in Virginia politics, a pattern of idiocy emerges. The Governor of Virginia is a blackface-wearing moonwalking racist. The VA Lt. Governor is a rapist. The state’s attorney general is also a blackface wearing racist, though he doesn’t moonwalk while doing it. Throw in Mark Warner, who hates Americans, and it reflects badly on the people of Virginia for who they have chosen to represent them.

The good news for Warner is that he’s democrat and him shaming Americans will get zero traction in the liberal media. He won’t catch any shit for this and it will be forgotten quicker the Gov. Ralph Northam’s blackface scandal. He will never have to apologize or even clarify his remarks.