Jim Acosta Challenges Sean Hannity And Tucker Carlson To A Schoolyard Brawl

At this point we know for a fact that the Central Liberalism Authority sent out a memo to its member drones to challenge conservatives to fights. Yesterday Joe Biden said he was going to beat Republicans with brass knuckles and George Takei expressed his desire to get Lindsey Graham in the octagon. Today CNN White House corespondent challenged Fox News personalities Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson to a schoolyard brawl. I’m sure by tomorrow Michael Moore will challenge President Trump to a Sumo wresting match.

As you may know, or maybe you don’t care, Jim Acosta wrote a book about how dangerous it is to be a brave fake news reporter in the Age of Trump. From what I can gather, it’s pretty much a series of anecdotes about how his fragile feelings keep getting hurt. There is a passage where Acosta cries that Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson wouldn’t play with him:

Before long, we boarded the press buses for the main event, the Trump-Putin joint news conference. As I set foot on the bus, I immediately spotted two of my biggest critics: Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, Trump’s chief propagandists at Fox, were seated on the bus, too. And you know what? After all their attacks on me during their prime-time “state TV” programs, they didn’t say a word to me. You’d think they would have had something to say to my face, but their fauxmacho man bullshit, as it turns out, seems to stop at the doors at the Fox News headquarters.

Tucker also called out Hannity and Carlson for not having him on their shows so he can promote his book nobody wants to read. Hannity responded:

So Acosta went on The Hugh Hewitt Show to cry some more:

“The likes of Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, they’re willing to go off on me on their shows, but they’re not willing to have me on in person to defend myself. What’s with that? If you’re so darn tough, why don’t you give me an invitation to come on your show? What I’ve found over the last few days is that they’re not willing to do that,” said Acosta.

And then there’s this:

“They’re willing to shoot spitballs from the sidelines like the class clown, but they’re not willing to meet me on the schoolyard. And that’s on them,” Acosta said.

What’s up with all this violent rhetoric from the left? Oh wait, they’re the left, that’s what they do. If a conservative said something like this it would be an issue, but Acosta is covered by the double-standard.

So Acosta wants to meet Hannity and Carlson on the school yard to settle things? Did he forget that he’s a giant sissy and would get his ass kicked by an actual 6th grader? Him against a couple fo grown men would be a painful embarrassment. He’s okay at manhandling a microphone away from a petite female intern but an actual bare-knuckles brawl against men? Not a chance.

Obviously Acosta doesn’t actually want to fight Hannity and Carlson as he lived in mortal fear for the past two years that Sarah Huckabee Sanders was going to slap the shit out of him in front of his peers. He’s trying to get on these popular Fox shows to promote his lame book because, unlike CNN, Hannity and Carlson have huge ratings.

The sad thing is that he thinks he can threaten his way on to their shows for some free publicity. I think it would be funny if Hannity and Carlson called out his bluff and agreed to a fight. You think Acosta cries now, wait until they accept his challenge. He’d give a tearful report about how those Fox News bullies were threatening him. Hey, he might even get another failed book out of it.