SEE IT ON CNN: Death Camps Coming Soon To U.S. Border

The rapidly unraveling left is getting more bat guano crazy by the minute as the grim reality begins to sink in that resistance is futile and that President Trump is cruising toward reelection next year.

Democrats and their media lickspittles have spent years spewing loony conspiracy theories about Trump and Russia, Trump as a white supremacist and other incendiary garbage that while total horseshit, has been swallowed hook, line, and sinker by those whose brains are fueled by emotion that serves as an impenetrable force field from which reality shall never intrude.

Nowhere is the delusion of the left more apparent than with the elevation of a 29-year-old taco bar revolutionary from New York into the almighty philosopher queen simply because those behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have a mastery of social media.

When AOC uncorked yet another of her multitude of lies that migrant detention facilities on the southern border are the equivalent of Nazi concentration camps it was taken as holy writ by the demented dregs of society despite the blatant historical inaccuracies.

The angry army of Trump haters (many of them blinded by their anti-white racism) have reacted with the predictable hysteria and some of these zombies have found their way to the studios of CNN.

Like Angela Rye who was once the legal counsel for the virulently racist Congressional Black Caucus and who compared the red MAGA hats worn by Trump supporters to KKK hoods. According to Rye, there are not only concentration camps on the border but full-blown extermination camps are coming soon.


Via The Hill, “CNN’s Rye: U.S. will soon be running ‘death camps’ at the border”:

Rye pointed to “white fear” and racism in the U.S. as a factor in the situation at the border, which she described as an “inhumane crisis.”

“I don’t know when we decided that a humanitarian crisis could be defined whether or not someone is carrying a green card or whether or not someone has their papers,” Rye said Tuesday night.

“Before we are American, we are human beings, and it is not OK,” she continued. “It is a damn shame what is happening at this border, and the fact that you’re going to justify it by economics, let me just tell you, there are a whole lot of people making a whole lot of money by having these people in detention centers.”

“You are on the wrong side of history. In 1933 there were concentration camps. In 1941, they were death camps and that is where we are going if our consciousnesses are not quickly pierced, it is a problem,” she added, as Cortes rolled his eyes in disagreement.

“Do not laugh it off. Do not laugh it off,” Rye responded.

Just how much more insane can these freaks get?

The answer? There is no limit as long as they continue to worship the Twitter bullshit goddess AOC.