Rashida Tlaib Champions Reparations ‘Direct Payments’ For Constituents

There is no question about it that reparations are just another socialist scam being largely promoted by extremists as a way to pander to black people who would gladly accept more free government money with the added benefit that it is punitive to those damned oppressive white people.

Despite being such an unpopular and inflammatory concept, the forced confiscation of wealth from Americans who never owned slaves to give it to blacks who never were slaves, reparations has taken on a life of its own as of late thanks to the extreme radicalization of what used to be a legitimate political party but has become openly anti-Semitic, anti-white and pro-communist and is not coming back anytime soon.

Not only has America been bullied into listing to such horseshit which the media helps to promote but leading Democrat 2020 candidates have all begun parroting the likes of Al Sharpton, Ta-Nehisi Coates and Danny Glover who are all champions of reparations.

Unbelievably, the U.S. House Of Representatives held a hearing on reparations last week and the idea has been at least tepidly endorsed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi who continues to fight off the freshman insurgents underwritten by the extremist PAC Justice Democrats that boasts taco bar revolutionary turned media superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her social media thug mob into a terrifying force to be reckoned with to the extent that even Nervous Nancy won’t criticize her.

But it’s all about scamming productive citizens and putting the money into the hands of the same leeches who have already been receiving reparations in the form of affirmative action and other welfare state bennies for decades and it takes one of AOC’s posse to say exactly that.

According to Rep. Rashida “Impeach the motherfucker” Tlaib – her constituents demand DIRECT reparations payments.

Via PJ Media, “Tlaib Says Her Constituents Want ‘Direct Payment’ Reparations”:

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) said her constituents want to see reparations for descendants of slaves in the form of “direct payment.”

Tlaib hopes the House has a “serious conversation” about voting on H.R. 40, the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act, after the reparations hearing that took place last week in the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties.

“This is something that is very rooted in trying to combat what’s happened and continues to happen with black Americans not being actually able to get a level playing — on the same level after slavery,” Tlaib, who represents Michigan’s 13th congressional district, said on Capitol Hill.

“I support any opportunity for restorative justice and that can come up all above in some instances, but I think there’s a serious conversation happening in committee and I hope it continues to happen regarding reparations. But I guess it should be determined by all of us and I can tell you at home it is direct payment that people want to see but also increased access to higher education, to real equitable funding in education systems, right now, across the country,” she added.

Tlaib’s district, which contains parts of Detroit, used to be represented by former Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), the original sponsor of H.R. 40.

Not surprising considering that her Detroit-area district was presided over by the crooked old race-baiting pervert John Conyers until he was forced to resign back in 2017 under a flurry of #MeToo allegations of sexual misconduct.

No matter how obscene and wrong that reparations are, this isn’t going away…