Democrats Cry ‘Racism’ Over Accurate Description Of Kamala Harris’ Ancestry

California Senator and 2020 democratic candidate Kamala Harris is bi-racial. Her mother is from India and her father is Jamaican. This is 100% true and it shouldn’t be controversial to point this out. That hasn’t stopped the rest of the 2020 field from freaking the hell out because somebody mentioned this on Twitter. In the ever expanding bastardization of racism, democrats are now screaming that accurately describing Harris’ ancestry is racist.

This all starts out with a black person more or less accusing Kamala Harris of cultural appropriation. The problem began when Donald Trump Jr. retweeted it:

As you can see, this black person tweeted that Harris is half Indian and half-Jamaican, which is a different experience than being born an American black. Nowhere in the tweet does it say that Harris is not black or not an American citizen. Because everyone in the democratic party is an idiot, here’s how the faux outrage went:

Shocker. In addition to being a communist, Bernie Sanders is also a moron.

Nobody was suggesting that Harris wasn’t born in the United States, except for maybe all of these democratic candidates. In reality, their manufactured outrage has now created a question in people’s minds about this.

With his fake indignation, Mayor Pete actually proved the point of the original tweet:

You see, Harris is a first-generation American of Indian and Jamaican heritage and her experience is different than those of American blacks, which is exactly what the original tweet pointed out.

If racism has no place in America, why has racist Joe Biden been a politician for over 4 decades? I think what he meant was that racism has no place in America except for the Democratic Party, where it’s had a comfortable home since the founding of our nation.

Back before things were politically correct, Mel Brooks made movies with plenty of hilarious racial humor. In his film Spaceballs, there is a scene where the bad guys are combing the desert literally with giant combs looking for the good guys. The white Spaceballs have a big old Ace combo and report articulately that they haven’t found anything. The camera pans over to the black Spaceballs with a huge afro pick and they say, “We ain’t found shit!”

The reason why I bring up this seemingly unrelated thing is because Cory Booker’s fake outrage tweet is pretty much the same as those black guys with the afro pick:

I wish Mel Brooks was still alive so he could make a parody of Spartacus staring Cory Booker.

The big takeaway from all of this is how terrifyingly similar all of these democrats are. They all instantly had the exact same hysterical reaction as if they share a brain or are wired into the same control program. There’s a definite creepy Children of the Corn vibe going on here.

And while the democrats are suggesting that white people, and more specifically Donald Trump Jr. have launched a racist smear campaign against Kamala Harris’ blackness, it’s actually something that comes from genuine black Americans. Back in January several black activists came out and said they do no consider Kamala Harris to be black. I wonder why there was no democratic outrage for that.