Mayor Pete Apologizes With Pizza After Calling Cops Racist

I love pizza as much as the next person but it ain’t a substitute for a sincere apology. 2020 democratic candidate and South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg recently called his own police department a bunch of racists and then tried to make up with it by sending them a few pizzas. Hey, this might be a new strategy for democrats to make up for all their horribleness. They can give black people some Little Caesar’s for slavery and segregation, give Native Americans a Papa John’s meat lovers pie for the “Trail of Tears,” and drop a coupon for CiCi’s on the Japanese for that whole internment thing.

Last month a white South Bend police office shot and killed an armed black thug who came at him with a knife. As a democrat it was natural for Buttigieg to take the side of the armed black thug and he even attended an anti-police rally. Unfortunately for Mayor Pete, black people didn’t see him as an ally and ripped him a new one. You know, ’cause he’s white and stuff.

Since then, Buttigieg has been trying desperately to get blacks to support his presidential bid, so he called out his own police department as racist assholes.

“All police work and all of American life takes place in the shadow of racism, which hurts everyone and everything it touches. Historic racism, present-day racism, and generational racism – they all secrete a kind of poison into the bloodstream of this country,” wrote Buttigieg in a campaign fundraising e-mail.

It’s hard to say how much that generated for his campaign, but it did piss off the men and women of the South Bend Police Department. No worries, Mayor Pete had 4 pizzas delivered to his cops in hopes of smoothing things over. I don’t know the size of the South Bend force, but I’m guessing 4 pies doesn’t even equal 1 slice per officer. Somehow Buttigieg took a shitty gesture and made it shittier.

As you can imagine the pizza apology didn’t go over well with the police and Harvey Mills, president of the South Bend Fraternal Order of Police made a video to express their disappointment.

“Last week, while Mayor Buttigieg continued to run a presidential campaign in which he often falsely implies that South Bend police officers are racist, he refused to apologize. Instead, he sent us pizza,” said Mills.

A democrat apologize? What planet is this guy on?

“Our officers are brave men and women who put their lives on the line for the community each day. We ask that instead of delivering pizza, the mayor deliver some respect for what police officers do and drop the politics,” said Mills.

Hey, at least he didn’t send Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

“If this was a lame attempt to apologize to South Bend police officers, it didn’t go over very well,” said Mills.

Mills then laid out the facts of the case that caused Buttigieg to accuse his own officers of racism:

“Unfortunately the mayor didn’t wait for any of the facts before condemning Sgt. Ryan O’Neill for defending himself. The evidence shows Sgt. O’Neill defended himself only after [the scumbag] armed with an 8-inch hunting knife charged at him and ignored repeated commands to drop the knife,” Mills said.

Facts schmacts. Buttigieg is a democrat so emotions and identity politics are the only things guiding him. Under the liberal way, white guys, especially cops, are always at fault.

Keep in mind that democrats freak the f*ck out if President Trump feeds fast food to visiting athletes from championship teams. Here Buttigieg is trying to smooth things over after insulting an entire police force with some pizza. Surprisingly no outrage from the left over this.

Democrats only have a few tricks in their bag and one of them is to scream “racism!” at everyone and everything. That shit is getting old and they’re starting to pay for it. AOC is about to get run out of Congress for accusing Nancy Pelosi of racism, and Pete Buttigieg, who will never be president, is going to find himself out of the mayor’s office for slamming his city’s cops.