Biden ‘Proves’ Sanity By Challenging Trump To A Push-Up Contest

For the longest time Joe Biden was living a delusion that he could beat up Donald Trump but apparently he’s started taking his meds so now he’s convinced he can do more push-ups than the President. What makes this the most Joe Biden thing ever is that he was demonstrating his sanity by challenging Trump to a push-up contest on a debate stage. Rock on, Crazy Joe.

Biden did an interview with MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski. Please watch the video because I can do his insanity or slurred speech justice. For the record, Biden cannot pronounce the words: president, intelligence, immigrant, recent, or expression.

Strangely enough, Brzezinski gave Biden shit for his horrible performance in the first democratic debate.

“I think the public is interested in how you’re going to fight Donald Trump. Kamala Harris, you weren’t ready for her, are you ready to fight this guy who deoesn’t play fair?” Brzezinski asked.

Nice loaded question from the impartial media, huh?

“I’m used to bullies,” replied Biden.

Now wait for this…

“And so my strategy is to just to go out and, remember that framous expression my grandpa pee see you when they yell, they said to Harry Truman,” said Biden.

Like I said, watch the video, because this is as close of a transcription I could do with the gobbledygook that came out of his mouth. In any case, it sounds like a bold strategy, doesn’t it?

Then Biden accused Trump of saying things that are “off-the-wall” as if he’s never actually watched himself speak. Take for instance that thing he just said about his “grandpa pee see you.”

“I’ve never had any trouble taking on anyone from Trump to Putin to Xi Jinping to anyone else,” Biden claimed.

Really? When has Biden ever taken on any of these leaders? This is like me claiming I’ve never had any problem running the Boston Marathon or climbing Mount Everest. I’ve never thought about or attempted those feats, so technically its true that I’ve never had any problems taking them on.

Finally, Brzezinski asked Biden what he would do in the general election if Trump started making fun of his mental state on the debate stage.

“I’d say, ‘C’mon Donald, c’mon man. How many push-ups do you want to do here, pal?’ I mean, jokingly. C’mon, run with me, man,” said Biden.

So in order to prove that he’s mentally stable, he would challenge the President of the United States to a push-up contest? When someone challenges your sanity, the absolute worst possible response is to do or say something crazy. That is unless you are Crazy Joe Biden, then it makes perfect sense.

“Mr. Biden, are you in fact insane?”

“Absolutely not. Now watch as a I jump up on this bar and do the ‘big shoe dance’ from Pee Wee’s Big Adventure to prove it,” replied Biden.

This guy is a complete nut. He’s always been crazy but now that the age and dementia are setting in it’s going from hilarious to frightening.

As one last Bidenism, he was bragging that he has a black friend and said that his granddaughters are friends with the Obama’s daughters. In doing so he referred to one of his granddaughters as his “number two granddaughter.” He didn’t say “second granddaughter” or “one of my granddaughters” but “number two.”

So he has a “pee” grandfather and a “poo” granddaughter?

Do we really want a president that refers to one of his grandchildren as a bowel movement? I think not.