Comrade Bernie Sanders Says, ‘Obviously I Am Not A Communist’

Define “obviously.” Self-Proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders, who wants to spark a communist revolution in the U.S., says it is very obvious that he isn’t a communist. What’s next? Is he going to say it obvious he isn’t a grumpy old man who’s never had a real job in his life and wants people to benefit from the fruits of everyone else’s labor like he has his entire life? The only thing blatantly obvious about this anti-capitalist socialist kook is that he is a commie.

Bernie was on Fox News with Chris Wallace when the host pointed out that even his democratic party opponents are hitting his with the “socialist” tag. Wallace played a clip of Joe Biden calling Sanders a socialist and then he played another bit in which President Trump called him a straight-up commie.

“Well, I think he’s a communist. I think of communism when I think of Bernie. You know, you could say socialist but, didn’t he get married in Moscow?” Trump said in the clip.

Reacting to the Trump clip, Sanders was laughing.

“I just want to say something and it’s really sad, it gives me no pleasure to say this, but we got a President who’s a pathological liar. He lies. No, I did not get married in Moscow,” said Sanders.

Well, the President didn’t say Bernie got married in Moscow, he asked if he did, so that’s not a lie it’s a question. Plus Bernie and his tax-cheat wife did honeymoon in Moscow, when it was the Soviet Union, so that’s close enough.

“Obviously I am not a communist and I presume the President knows the difference, maybe he doesn’t,” Sanders said.

Again, what’s Bernie’s definition of “obvious?” If it walks like a commie and craps like a commie, it’s a commie.

Wallace then asked Sanders how he hopes to win support from normal Americans in the general election by being a socialist kook. Bernie’s answer was as delusional as it gets.

“In many respects, we are a socialist society today,” replied Sanders.

There you have it. Bernie is saying he will win the general election as a socialist because America is already a socialist country and people love socialism. Boy, is he going to be in for a shock.

Then, to totally prove he’s not a commie, he said this communist shit:

“I believe the government should help working families not billionaires. So I believe health care is a human right. I believe we should raise the minimum wage to a living wage of 15 bucks and hour. I believe in fact that the rich must start paying their fair share of taxes when you have massive levels of income and wealth inequality,” said Sanders.

Redistribution of wealth from the rich to the workers and “free” stuff from the government is exactly the blueprint Karl Marx laid out for communism. Face it Bernie, you are a communist, socialist, Marxist and it’s obvious for everyone to see.