CNN Fact-Checks President: AOC Is Smart And Trump Is Racist For Calling Her Stupid

This is bad even for CNN. The fake news network has “fact-checked” President Trump’s assertion that members of The Squad are not very smart and determined that, among other things, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a genius. Going further, CNN also claims that Trump only calls women of color “stupid” and, because of it, he is a racist. Is this that real news Jim Acosta keeps talking about, because it seems like a load of crap to me.

In his on going war with AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and the black chick, known as “The Squad” President Trump sent out this tweet:

The only thing Trump gets wrong is that the democratic party was ever great. CNN didn’t fact-check that, but they went into overdrive to prove the intelligence of the Idiot Squad. Here’s Chris Cillizza being a whore for the left:

I want to hone in on one aspect of that tweet — where the President of the United States says that the members of “The Squad” are “not very smart.”

On what, you might ask, is Trump basing that conclusion about the intellectual capacity of these four female progressive Democratic members of Congress?

After all, it’s hard to imagine that Trump suddenly gained access to IQ tests for the four. Or that Ocasio-Cortez’s double major in international relations and economics at Boston University or Tlaib’s law degree from Western Michigan University were evidence that they weren’t smart. Omar graduated from North Dakota State University. And Pressley went to Boston University for two years before she dropped out to help her out-of-work mother.

After determining that the Squad are all geniuses, the only conclusion Cillizza could find for Trump calling them dummies is racism:

The answer of course is that all four members of “The Squad” are a) women and b) people of color.

Why might that be the real — and only — reason for why Trump said they were “not very smart?” A little thing I like to call history.

As Trump toured the country during the 2018 midterm campaign, he would almost always include a line in his stump speech attacking California Rep. Maxine Waters, who is African-American.

Two months after that, Trump sent this tweet — aimed at CNN’s Don Lemon and NBA star LeBron James, both of whom are black: “Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon…”

You may have noticed that Lebron James and Don Lemon are not women of color, but this is hardly the only thing wrong with Cillizza’s fact-check.

Let’s do some fact-checking of our own, shall we? Let’s start with the intelligence of the Squad:

Ayanna Presley dropped out of college, Ilhan Omar married her biological brother, and Rashida Tlaib can’t find Israel on a map. They however are f*cking rocket scientists compared to AOC:

AOC says US Citizenship is racist.

AOC says Trump is running concentration camps.

AOC think she’s the leader of Congress.

AOC claimed the United States for Latinos and Indians.

AOC says the world will end in 12 years.

AOC promised to gang bang the country for 2 years.

AOC suddenly became Jewish.

AOC has no idea how many branches there are in the US government.

That’s not including AOC’s lack of economic knowledge, despite her mighty economics degree, and that she wants trains to Hawaii and regulations on cow farts.

Plus, all four Idiot Squad members are anti-Semite America-haters who blame all fair criticism on racism. It’s nice to see CNN has their back.

Next, let’s challenge the CNN “fact” that Trump only call women of color stupid. Here’s a list of people Trump has described as “dumb as a rock”:

Rex Tillerson
Mika Brzezinski
Glenn Beck
Rick Wilson
Chris Matthews
Bill Maher
Jonah Goldberg
Jay Leno
Jeb Bush

Brzezinski is a woman completely absent of color and the rest of the list are a bunch of white men.

Trump recently said Joe Biden, another white man, is a “low IQ individual.”

Trump said James Comey, who is girly but not a woman of color, “is not smart!”

Trump said Rick Perry (white guy) should have to take an IQ test.

“Stupid Mitt. He is a dumb guy. I’ve always said he’s a dumb guy… I’m telling you, he’s a stupid person,” said Trump of super-white Mitt Romney.

Trump said conservative columnist George Will, “looks like a dumb guy” without his glasses.

So that’s 14 white people Trump has called stupid versus 5 women of color (the Squad and Maxine Waters). If anything, Trump is racist against white people. Either that or he calls stupid people stupid and doesn’t care what race or sex they are.

When you are struggling with credibility, as CNN is, maybe coming out with a fact-check that says AOC is smart ain’t the best idea. Wrapping that in partisan hackery that falsely accuses the President of the United States of racism also probably doesn’t help with the “fake news” tag.