Pete Buttigieg Accuses Most Americans Of Racism

You’d think democrats would have learned from Hillary Clinton’s disastrous “baskets of deplorables” statement, but that’s assuming democrats are smart, which they aren’t. For some reason non-racist people get sick and tired of white liberals constantly telling them they are racist. That’s just what 2020 democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg did when he said that President Trump is racist and so are the people who voted him into office, AKA most American voters.

After alienating black people with his poor handling of a police shooting, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg has launched an apology tour where he is trying to kiss every black ass he can find. On Friday he was puckering up at the National Urban League’s annual conference in Indianapolis.

The IndyStar caught all of the action:

“My generation saw this country elect its first black president and then turn around and elect a racist to the White House — and we ought to call that what it is,” said Buttigieg.

While it seems like Buttigieg is just calling President Trump a racist, his actual statement is that America is racist for electing someone he thinks is racist. Especially coming after Obama. What he’s calling it is “Americans are racist.”

This was reinforced later when his white privileged ass claimed victimhood because of Trump’s presidency.

“Suppressing the black vote made my life worse, because I have to live under this president,” Buttigieg said.

See, white Mayor Pete is relatable to black people because he too has been the victim of racism. In this case the racism of the will of the American people who, as he already established, are racists.

It gets worse because Buttigieg is accusing the racists who elected Trump of racistly stopping black people from voting. In fact, he’s claiming the only reason that Trump won is because the racists forced blacks to stay home on election day. I would certainly like to see him prove any of this, but since he’s a lying liberal I’m not going to hold my breath.

The truth of the matter is, that when Obama ran black people were excited and came out to vote. Hillary Clinton elicited no excitement in the black community and so blacks stayed home in 2016. Maybe Buttigieg is accusing Hillary Clinton of a racism. He’s not, but that would be the only accurate thing he said as she is a raging racist.

Then there is this bit of insanity:

He said the experiences that black Americans face effectively place them in a different country. He said they’re less likely to be believed if they go to the hospital and say they’re in pain, less likely to get a call for a job interview, are more likely to be arrested for committing the same crimes as white people and are being pushed out of some areas by gentrification.

I wonder what the blacks-only country Buttigieg speaks of is called. Afro America? Wakanda? Every major city run by democrats?

After accusing America of being racist, Buttigieg accidentally revealed his own racism. That separate country for black people was just a hint of what was to come:

“I think for too long we have believed that we were on a path where systemic racism was going to take care of itself in this country. I’m going to be speaking about these issues not only with mostly black audiences, but with mostly white audiences,” said Buttigieg.

So he divides his audiences up by race and refuses to allow mixed-race crowds? Spoken like a true democratic party segregationist.

Basically Buttigieg’s campaign strategy is to say, “Hey white people, you are racists and horrible people. Vote for me!” Why he thinks telling people who aren’t racist that they are racists is a winning strategy is beyond me. You don’t get votes with insults. He gets the kissing black peoples ass thing, why can’t he understand that white people like their asses kissed too?

Granted, there is a certain segment of white Americans who would feel uncomfortable by a gay guy coming near their asses with his mouth, but I was speaking figuratively.