Liawatha Elizabeth Warren Says Liars Can’t Be Presidential Candidates

Welp, Elizabeth Warren just disqualified herself from the democratic primaries. When asked if being a liar disqualifies a person from being a presidential candidate, noted liar Elizabeth Warren said it does. Warren likes to claim she has a plan for everything but apparently she doesn’t have one for her own lack of self-awareness.

CBS campaign reporter Zak Hudak posed this simple question to Warren recently:

“Is it disqualifying for a presidential candidate to lie to the American public?” Hudak asked.

“Uh, I would think it – how can the American people want someone who lies to them? Uh, I think that we just do our best everyday and I hope that’s what happens with everyone,” replied Warren.

That was a typical non-answer from Warren, but she did more or less acknowledge that lying to the American people is disqualifying for a presidential candidate, so that means she’s out.

Warren spent most of her life lying that she was an Indian princess and continued that lie after she took a DNA test showing she only had 1/1024 native American blood. It was only after some focus group data came back saying people were turned off by her cultural appropriation that she reluctantly admitted she is a white woman.

Warren claims that she was fired from a teaching job because she got pregnant even though she herself has contradicted this. Warren has two stories: one in which she quit the teaching job to pursue her education and one where the sexist principal fired her for being pregnant. It doesn’t matter which version of the story is true because at least one of them has to be a lie.

Not long ago someone asked Warren, who opposes school choice, if she sent her son to public school and she said that she did. Records however show that Warren sent her son to an exclusive private academy, so that’s another easily fact checked lie.

Just last week Warren leaked a story to the press that Bernie Sanders told her that a woman cannot be President of the United States. Everyone agrees this never happened and was a sad attempt to stop her campaign free fall. Warren took the lie so far that she actually confronted Bernie and accused him of lying about her on national TV.

Hell, Warren even lies about what a selfie is. She spends a considerable amount of time bragging about her “selfie lines” at her rallies in which people hand their camera to a staff member to take a shot of them with her. That’s called taking a picture not a selfie, Liawatha.

The point is, Elizabeth Warren lies to the American people all the time and yet she asks, “How can the American people want someone who lies to them?” How indeed. She has absolutely disqualified herself from being a presidential candidate.

Well, she would have disqualified herself if she wasn’t a democrat as they have an amazing hypocrisy double-standard that protects them from all of their own bullshit. What she meant was, liars who aren’t her are disqualified.

In addition to the liberal rules of hypocrisy, Warren also has the liberal media spin machine protecting her. If she were a Republican, she’d be a liar liar pants on fire, but as a democrat she’s a “colorful story teller.”