Here’s A Brutal Attack From Beautiful ‘Crime-Free’ Baltimore

Trump criticized democrat Elijah Cummings’ Baltimore Congressional district as a “rat-infested” crime ridden toilet, so naturally liberals have declared the President a racist. Predictably, part of this manufactured outrage involves defending Baltimore, which is a dangerous shithole, with false claims that it’s a beautiful and safe city. That would explain why none of the major liberal media outlets are covering this brutal racially-motivated hate crime in beautiful “crime-free” Baltimore. It just doesn’t fit their bullshit narrative.

Like I said, none of the liberal media sources who are crying racism over President Trump’s Baltimore comments could bring themselves to report on this. I had to go to the Toronto City News to find any information about this.

The victim in the attack is actually a 59-year-old Baltimore PD crime lab technician. As you can see in the video, he appears to be Muslim, dressed in tradition Islamic pajamas. One of the attackers punches the victim in the head, knocking his skullcap off and sending him to the ground. He is then kicked several times, even as he tries to get up. He is knocked down a second time and one of the thugs stomps his head repeatedly until the man loses consciousness.

Before the attackers go, they rummage through the unconscious victim’s pockets, because why shouldn’t they rob the guy too?

Police have offered a reward for information leading to the arrest of thesis suspects. Give me that money because as you can see, two of the attackers are riding those rental scooters. Just trace the scooters to the accounts of who rented them and, Boom, you got your suspects.

You may also notice in the video that all of the attackers are black and the victim is a non-black Muslim. This certainly isn’t the typical “white racists in MAGA hats attack innocent Muslim” type of thing that is reported in most hate crime hoaxes. This was a real hate crime attack and it didn’t involve Trump supporters at all.

Whenever something bad happens to a Muslim the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) starts screaming “Islamophobia” and demanding an investigation. It could be that a Muslim got a hangnail or was overcharged at the grocery store. It doesn’t matter, everything is an anti-Muslim hate crime to this group.

In this case however, they are curiously subdued, saying it might be a hate crime but that they don’t want to jump the gun until all of the facts are in. That’s obviously part of the sensitive nature of accusing black people of doing things they are captured on video doing. If this was white attackers, they’d be all over the hate crime outrage, but because the scumbags are black, CAIR is taking a wait and see attitude.

So here’s what was going on in liberal media news rooms across the country:

Editor: We need to show that Trump is a racist, so play up the idea that Baltimore is a really nice place that the President has unfairly, and racistly, classified as rat and crime infested.

Reporter: Boss, I just got this video showing some black thugs beating up a Muslim in Baltimore.

Editor: No you didn’t (wink wink).

Fake news isn’t just making up facts, it’s omitting them too. The only pertinent fact here is that President Trump is right: Baltimore is a dangerous and filthy city.