It was “Lets beat up Whitey” last night at the 2nd Demtard debate.

by Efraim Shultz


Kristen Gillibrand (a self-hating white person?) had the best applause lines by saying:

I can talk to those white women in the suburbs that voted for Trump and explain to them what white privilege actually is,” Gillibrand continued.

“When their son is walking down a street with a bag of M&M’s in his pocket, wearing a hoodie, his whiteness is what protects him from not being shot,” Gillibrand claimed. “When their child has a car that breaks down and he knocks on someone’s door for help and the door opens and help is given, it’s his whiteness that protects him from not being shot.”

No Kristen, it’s not because I’m white that I don’t get shot while walking down the street in my hoodie.

It’s because I’m not busy robbing a convenience store while roughing up the employees.

It’s because I didn’t assault George Zimmerman and attempt to kill him by repeatedly bashing his head into the concrete sidewalk.

It’s because I didn’t rush a police car and attempt to wrestle the gun away from the police officer to shoot him with it.

It’s because I’m not part of a rioting mob in Ferguson or Baltimore, smashing business windows and stealing everything in sight.

It’s because I don’t join a flash mob and steal whatever I wanted from a Philadelphia Walgreens.

It’s because I don’t sell drugs on a street corner, commit home invasions, play the “knockout game”, beat a random stranger within an inch of their life and then throw them on subway rails “because they’re white”.

Ah but you left all of these prominent examples of black on white violence out of your phony little narrative didn’t you Kristen?

Like most LibTards, you sure are good at leaving out the facts or just outright lying.

But don’t worry. I’m sure you’ve got a corner on the ‘gangsta felons’ voting block, you ignorant twit.