Lunchbucket Joe Craps His Grampers At Another Debate

The great white dope did himself no favors on the big stage – again…

It may be just about time to stick a fork into Joe Biden following yet another debacle during Wednesday night’s Democratic Party presidential debate.

The stakes couldn’t have been higher for the former vice president who showed up completely unprepared in Miami last month and got his head handed to him by Kamala Harris.

Another poor performance by lunchbucket Joe would likely put his White House hopes in jeopardy and the entire media has been on death watch.

While Biden didn’t implode as he did during the last debate, he had enough gaffes and senior moments that allowed his opponents to club him like a baby seal and plant serious doubts in the heads of the party establishment that he may not be up to a grueling stretch that will culminate with the “winner” facing off against a well-rested President Trump.

But far worse than him being a punching bag was how he just lost the key states of Pennsylvania and West Virginia with his vow to eliminate the coal industry as a part of doing away with fossil fuels.

Biden blew it during an exchange with the doomsaying lunatic Jay Inslee who is the current governor of the Pacific Northwest resistance stronghold of Washington State.


During his heated exchange with Gov. Inslee, the ex-veep was pressed by CNN’s moderator Dana Bash to come clean on whether he would ban coal if elected.

Dana Bash: thank you, vice president. just to clarify, would there be any place for fossil fuels including coal and fracking in a Biden administration?

Joe Biden: No. We would work it out. We would make sure it’s eliminated, and no more subsidies for either one of those, any fossil fuel.

You just can’t overstate how stupid that Biden’s attempt to pander to the Green New Deal socialists was and even more so in that it was his candidacy that was supposed to lure back those white working-class voters who went for Trump over Hillary in 2016.

The GOP was quick to pounce on yet another unforced error by Floppy Joe by digging up a clip of the candidate defending coal before he was against it.

Not content to kill his chances in coal country and with those employed by the”fracking industry” Biden then went on to alienate the base by deviating by the idea that the borders should be open and that illegal immigration should be decriminalized.

Oh Joe, say it ain’t so!

It was the worst performance by a septuagenarian political hack since the doddering remains of former special counsel Robert Mueller stammered his way through his congressional testimony last week.

Then Biden was blasted by Cory “Spartacus” Booker who put a hurting on him that soap and water just won’t wash off by calling him out for his overreliance on his former boss Barack Obama.


The ONLY time that lunchpail Joe connected, it was on the hapless Kirsten Gillibrand who is hovering around zero percent approval rating so he wasn’t exactly hitting big league pitching.

Given the unsuitability of the rest of the field which is all bat guano crazy and too extreme for the mainstream, it will take Biden a while to bleed out but after Wednesday, it’s really hard to see him as anything other than a zombie candidate.