Mexico To Sue U.S. Over El Paso Shooting

This is so lacking in self-awareness that it could have come from Obama or Hillary Clinton. Instead, it comes from the Mexican government who intends to sue the United States over the El Paso shooting. Apparently they think America isn’t doing enough to protect their citizens. Do they really want to establish this precedent because Mexican nationals do a hell of lot more harm to Americans that the other way around?

On Saturday a stupid asshole opened fire in an El Paso Walmart, killing 20 and injuring another 28. Among the dead were 6 Mexican nationals. Another 7 Mexican citizens were wounded. The liberal media narrative is that the killer was motivated by hatred of “immigrants.”

With that, Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard his country’s intention to sue the US for not taking better care of their people who sneak into this country and exploit our generosity. Ebrard made video that he released on Twitter, but it’s in Spanish, so we’ll have to take AZ Central’s translation:

Ebrard referred to the mass shooting as a “barbarous” act, and said the Mexican government would be taking action to protect its citizens living in the United States.

“The president of the Republic has instructed me so that this posture and indignation from Mexico is translated, first in protecting affected families, and then in legal actions, efficient and prompt, quick and convincing so that Mexico can demand the conditions to protect the Mexican-American community and Mexicans in the United States,” Ebrard said.

Try keeping Mexican citizens in Mexico. That’s the easiest most obvious solution.

“What happened is inadmissible and…we will announce the first judicial actions that the Mexican government will take in accordance to international law,” Ebrard added.

Well at least he’s right that a shooting committed by a private citizen is inadmissible in a lawsuit between two countries.

Mexico has absolutely no case but some pretty big heuvos to threaten this legal action. Perhaps we should launch a countersuit to recoup the hundreds of billions Mexicans cost the the U.S. every year as well as compensation for the tremendous loss of American lives they cause.

Illegal aliens kill around 2,000 Americans every year in both murder and drunken driving. Not all of those illegals are Mexicans, but a lot of them are. 6 dead Mexicans in El Paso is nothing compared to the carnage their people unleash in this country.

Around 75 American tourists are murdered in Mexico every year, which is greater than the number of American’s killed in the entire rest of the world. Clearly Mexico isn’t doing a very good job of keeping foreign tourists safe, especially from the United States. Again, 75 is way more than 6.

Illegal immigration costs the American taxpayer around $250 billion a year in enforcement, incarceration, and social programs. Not all of those money-sucking illegals are Mexican but a lot of them are.

If Mexico thinks we owe them for 6 dead Mexicans in an El Paso Walmart, they better compensate us for the thousands of dead Americans at he hands of Mexican nationals and the hundreds of billions stolen by Mexican nationals first. If they want to establish this precedent, they’re going to owe us a hell of a lot more.