Democrat Joaquin Castro Is Trying To Get Trump Supporters Killed By Doxxing Them

This is f*cked up even for a democrat. Rep. Joaquin Castro, brother of 2020 candidate Julian Castro, has doxxed a bunch of private citizens who have donated to President Trump’s reelection campaign. Why? Presumably he wants people angry over the recent shooting to hunt these people down. I honestly can think of no other reason for this than to incite violence against people who have donated money to Trump.

Democrats, with help from the liberal media, have developed a narrative that says the recent El Paso shooting that took the lives of 22 people, many who were Hispanic, was President Trump’s fault because he wants to enforce existing immigration laws. Obviously Joaquin Castro can’t tell people to murder the President of the United States, but he can steer that anger towards the next best thing: Trump supporters.

The Texas Rep. sent out this tweet with names and businesses of Trump donors in his San Antonio Congressional district. I took a screen shot but blacked out the people’s names because I’m not a psychotic asshole:

“Sad to see so many San Antonians as 2019 maximum donors to Donald Trump…Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders,” wrote Castro.

Of the 44 people Castro listed by name, which I cut from the tweet, many are restaurant and other small business owners. Castro was scummy enough to include the names of the business names as well so angry leftists will have no problem finding these people.

The best case scenario here, and it’s still horrible, is that Castro is hoping to ruin these business through boycotts and vandalism. A more likely thing to happen is that leftist lunatics, fueled by Castro’s hatred, will do harm to these people.

It also shouldn’t be too hard for liberal crazies to hunt down the rest of the people on the list since Castro has given their full names and the city they reside in. Among the non-business owners listed, several are retirees, so Castro is also sending the liberal horde after the elderly. What a dick.

Remember, Joaquin Castro is a member of the US Congress who is doxxing these people and putting their lives in danger. The fact that he’s targeting his own constituents makes it even more horrifying.

Adding another layer of shittiness is that Joaquin’s brother is running for the democratic party nomination to take President Trump on in 2020. Putting it another way, a U.S. Rep. is inciting violence against the supporters of his brother’s political rival. I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for the rest of the democrats to condemn this as an attack on democracy.

Is anyone actually shocked that someone with the last name “Castro” is trying to silence people with different political opinions with violence? If you ask me, this was inevitable.

On top of being one of the all-time biggest asshole moves, this Castro tweet is pure stupidity. A good case could be made that what he’s doing is illegal, but beyond that it opens him up to massive liability. If a leftist kook does anything to anyone of the people on this list, this tweet is all the evidence needed to sue his ass into oblivion. He sent the tweet out yesterday and as of this writing it’s still up, so he really must want financial ruin and possibly jail.

Liberals keep trying to pick a fight with conservatives and sooner or later they will succeed. I can’t as it’s going to be the fun time leftists think it will be when they start a war with the right. How many times do they think they can poke a gator before they pull back a bloody stump where their hand used to be?