Joe Biden Suggests He Will Go After Trump Supporters And ‘Take Them Down’

Joe Biden’s people have been floating the idea of limiting his exposure to the public in an effort to keep him from saying stupid things. That strategy looks like a good idea because at fundraiser in his home state of Delaware the tentative democratic party frontrunner stepped in a steaming pile before putting his foot in his mouth. Among other things Biden suggested that he’s going to go after Trump supporters and “take them down.” What this means is anyone’s guess but it certainly doesn’t sound like something a sane person would say.

Washington Post reporter Matt Viser tweeted out some interesting tidbits from the Biden Delaware fundraiser. First let’s get some typical Biden confusion:

Strangely enough, that’s least of the problems with Biden’s speech. At least he got the name of the city right, which is better than he did with the shootings in El Paso and Dayton.

Next there was one of those Biden who-gives-a-f*ck stories:

Okay, we get it, Biden is objectionable and anyone who knows him shouldn’t vote for him.

Then there’s this logic-defying Bidenism:

So he apologized to the attendees for something that might happen next year? Why? Also, it’s not something that’s going to happen next year, so why apologize?

And finally there is this:

Biden is such a nut that he could have meant anything with this statement, including that he wears adult diapers and just pooped himself. Against my better judgement, I’m going to take the statement at face value and try to unravel what he was trying to convey.

First, he’s saying that he doesn’t blame President Trump for the El Paso shooting, which is a lie because he’s blamed Trump plenty for it. With that as the base, we can conclude that when he’s talking about “these people” he’s referring to people who are influenced by Trump or simply Trump supporters.

Now that we’ve established that, he’s saying that Trump supporters live under rocks and will come out from under those rocks if Biden and his crew don’t “go after them” and “take them down.” This of course makes no sense because people who live under rocks don’t come out unless they are agitated or provoked. If Biden wants them to stay under their rocks, and presumably that would be desirable to him, going after them would be the worst course of action.

Flawed logic aside, what Biden is ultimately saying is that he needs to go after Trump supporters and take them down. Again, this doesn’t make a lot of sense as Biden claims to be a centrist who can woo Trump supporters away and win the Rust Belt working class vote. He’s not going to get many of these voters by saying he’s going to pop a cap in their asses.

Then again I could be guilty of trying to make too much sense out a guy with dead hamster carcass rotting on the wheel inside his brain. Perhaps his real new strategy is to say things that are so bizarre that they can be disproven or analyzed and therefore can’t be used against him.