Jill Biden Concedes That Husband Joe Isn’t Very Good

Boy, this Joe Biden campaign makes Hillary’s 2016 train wreck look a precision machine. Crazy Joe can’t go a day without making some insane gaffe or appalling statement, his people are trying to limit his public exposure so he doesn’t make an ass of himself, and his former boss Obama tried to talk him out of running and ruining his legacy. Time to bring in the big guns: Joe’s wife Jill tried to rescue the sinking S.S. Biden by proclaiming that her husband isn’t very good. I would love to sit in on a Biden campaign strategy meeting. It’s got to be one of the funniest things ever.

Dr. Jill Biden was on MSNBC trying to convince democrats to vote for Joe:

“I know that not all of you are committed to my husband, and I respect that, but I want you to think about your candidate, his or her electability, and who’s going to win this race. I know my goal is to beat Donald Trump. We have to have someone who can beat him. So if you look at the polls, if you look at Joe with his record with independents,” Jill started.

Joe’s doesn’t have a record with independents because in his previously failed presidential runs, he never even made it out of the democratic primaries. In order for him to have a record with independents, he would have to have made it to the general election so they could either vote for him or against him.

Somehow, this got funnier:

“So yes, you know, your candidate might be better on, I don’t know, health care, than Joe is, but you’ve got to look at who’s going to win this election, and maybe you have to swallow a little bit and say, ‘OK, I personally like so-and-so better,’ but your bottom line has to be that we have to beat Trump,” Jill said.

Okay, I get that she’s trying to argue that Joe has the best chance of beating Trump, which is a lie, but the way she wrapped this message is just too hilarious to ignore. What’s she’s saying is that Biden isn’t very good on the issues, meaning he’s unqualified, and that people have to hold their noses to block out the stench to vote for him. Weirdly enough, I agree with Jill 100% on this. Joe does suck and nobody, even Trump-haters, want him to be president.

Of course the idea that he can take out President Trump in 2020 is preposterous. He has a long public history of mediocrity, flip-flops, gaffes, and racism, but that’s not why he won’t win. He’s a loser with a proven track record losing. No one is excited about him and, like they did with Hillary, many voters will stay home on election day.

Jill may be right that her husband is a little more electability than the other socialists and kooks in the 2020 democratic field, but that doesn’t mean he can win the presidency. Shit plus one still equals shit.

Meanwhile, I love this new strategy for Biden’s campaign. He doesn’t have any specific policies or ideas, but rather they are selling him as the lesser of 21 evils. They’re saying, “Yeah, Joe is terrible but what are you going to do? Vote for the commie?”