Cory Booker Floats Possible Bans On Fireworks And White Folks

Cory Booker’s presidential campaign, based largely on gun control and gun bans, has failed to gain any traction so the New Jersey democrat is throwing out some other possible bans to see what sticks. First, he appears to want a fireworks ban because according to him they scare black children. Next, he wants to take the bold step of banning white folks, possibly also because they scare black children.

In this first tweet from Booker, he continues to claim that he lives in a neighborhood where people get shot all the time, despite the fact that both of his parents were wealthy IBM executives and he’s had a very privileged life:

Okay, I see what he’s saying with “enough.” He wants to ban fireworks, at least on the 4th of July. I do kind of question the science behind this because he claims that not only are kids in black communities scared of fireworks, but so are the kids “everywhere between” San Diego and Newark. In other words, he’s claiming that every single kid in America thinks that 4th of July fireworks are gunshots and are terrified.

Can we assume that he’s literally never met a kid from anywhere, ever? Actually, that’s not true. He sexually assaulted a drunk underage girl so he’s met at least one kid. There’s no proof that she’s afraid of fireworks however.

Next, Booker tackles the “white people” problem with this proposed ban:

Okay, I’ll bite. What white supremacist terrorist organization has committed an act of terrorism against the United States? Hillbilly ISIS? Honky al-Qaeda?

It’s interesting that Booker, like all liberals, uses just after 9/11 as the starting point to measure terrorist attacks against the U.S. Sure, if you take away those 3,000 victims who died at the hands of radical Islamic jihadis, Muslims don’t look so bad.

But actually they do, because since 9/11 nearly all terrorist attacks in America were still committed by Muslims proclaiming allegiance to ISIS and/or al-Qaeda: Boston Marathon, Ft. Hood, San Bernardino, Orlando, etc…

Booker and the left likes to claim that any time a white person has committed a mass shooting that these were white supremacist terror attacks. I’ll ask again: what are these white supremacist terrorist organizations? You can chalk some of these mass shootings up as hate crimes like Charlottesville and the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, but none of these losers belong to an organization or even have ideologies associated with one.

Booker says if he is elected president he will use the full force of his Spartacus powers to stamp out white supremacist terrorism. In the absence of any actual white supremacist terrorism, the only logical conclusion is that he wants to ban white people or at the very least, white people from owning guns.

The good news is that not only does the Constitution protect people’s right to be caucasian, but also that Cory Booker will never be president. Fireworks and white people bans are as unlikely to happen as the Green New Deal, slave reparations, “free” college and all of the other nonsense the 2020 democrats are promising.