Joe Biden Tries Out New Campaign Slogan: ‘The Details Are Irrelevant’

Master of the soundbite Joe Biden may have come up with the perfect slogan for his troubled presidential campaign: “The details are irrelevant.” While trying to explain why his brain is so jumbled, he offered this up and it suits him perfectly. He can’t be crazy, racist, or senile as long as you don’t pay attention to the details. His lies are true as long as you don’t get all hung up on the details. He isn’t plagiarizing other people so long as the details aren’t factored it.

Recently The Washington Post busted Biden for repeatedly telling a military story that wasn’t true, prompting the liberal newspaper to note:

The upshot: In the space of three minutes, Biden got the time period, the location, the heroic act, the type of medal, the military branch and the rank of the recipient wrong, as well as his own role in the ceremony.

Generally the liberal media turns a blind-eye to Biden’s deteriorating mind but NPR went off-script and asked him about this. They got the answer of the century:

“The details are irrelevant in terms of decision-making…it’s irrelevant to the point,” said Biden. “It’s irrelevant and you know it.”

Not only does Biden think getting details right is irrelevant, he also believes having scrambled eggs for brains has no bearing on his decision making skills. Hey, stupid people think they are smart, crazy people think they are sane, and senile people think details are irrelevant.

Rather than admit his mind isn’t as sharp as it used to be or that he shouldn’t be running for president, Biden would rather attack facts and the truth as irrelevant.

The Biden campaign has been searching for a good 2020 slogan since rejecting “I know a black guy,” “I can work with segregationists,” and “I sniff hair.” Biden has dropped some good one-liners since announcing his campaign that could fit:

“America is coming back like the way we used to be. Ethical. Straight.”

“I got no sense. Really, no sense.”

“We choose truth over facts.”

“Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.”

“Imagine what would have happened if, God forbid, Barack Obama had been assassinated.”

“I want to be clear, I’m not going nuts.”

Those are great but “The details are irrelevant” fits Biden and his decaying mental state better than all of them. This should be on a bumpersticker by the end of the week.

My question is, why do Biden’s handlers continue to let him speak in public when his mind is clearly gone? They should pull a Mr. Ed with him by putting peanut butter on his gums and as he licks it off, play a tape of someone saying something not-insane. From a distance it will look like he’s actually talking and it completely eliminates the gaffes, racism, and forgetfulness.