Nancy Pelosi Threatens President Trump And Senate Republicans To Pass Gun Control Bill

Nancy Pelosi is drunk with power that she doesn’t have, which I guess means she’s just drunk. The Speaker of the House thinks she’s the leader of the Senate too and demanding that the Republicans of the upper chamber pass gun control, or else! What is she going to do if they don’t listen to her? It’s unclear, but she says there will be “hell to pay” so presumably she’s going to send them some un-tasteful nudes. Yikes!

The House, with no Republican support, passed a universal background check bill and it’s now sitting in limbo in the Senate. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Pelosi held a press conference on Monday to “urge” Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans to pass the bill. The two democratic clown car commanders also sent a letter to President Trump demanding that he shake his fist at the Republicans to get them to vote for this gun control bill.

“We are not taking no for an answer. We are not going away,” said Pelosi.

Yes, persistent rashes are like that.

To help sell this pointless legislation, Pelosi made up some statistics:

“90%, at least, of the public support it including gun oveners, members of the NRA, and the rest,” said Pelosi.

What the hell is gun ovener and who cares what those people think? And yes, she really did say “gun oveners.” You can see it at the 12:10 mark of the video.

After talking about how she spent her summer vacation making the gun control issue “too hot to handle” she issued this threat:

“If this bill is not passed, Mitch McConnell and the Republicans in the Senate and the President will have hell to pay, so let’s save time. Let’s just get it done now,” said Pelosi.

There’s certainly a lot of hell Pelosi could unleash, mostly involving nudity, but if I were the President and McConnell I would refuse this demand as it sets a dangerous precedent. You don’t negotiate with terrorists and you definitely don’t negotiate with democrats.

The bill Nutty Nancy and Crying Chuck are pushing is a complete waste of time. It’s already illegal to sell a gun to a felon or other banned person and this bill doesn’t have any way to stop criminals from doing illegal things. It does however make it illegal for law-abiding people to let other law-abiding people use their firearms, something Rep. Dan Crenshaw pointed out last week.

Despite the utterly uselessness of this bill, Pelosi claims it will put an end to all violence and criminal activity:

“We know about the mass shootings and they’re just stunningly heartbreaking but every single night and every single day across the country gun violence occurs that this bill could prevent. Lives that could be saved,” Said Pelosi.

I’m glad she qualified that with a “could.” Anything is possible, but most things are unlikely like this bill having any effect of crime whatsoever. This bill “could” cure cancer, but it probably won’t. This bill “could” bring peace to the Middle East, but chances are it won’t.

Pelosi left out one important fact in her spiel about how effective this bill will be. Yes, there is gun-related violence every day and every night across the country, but it happens primarily in big cities with strict gun control laws run by democrats. Her party has made a mess out of our cities, so why should we them them muck it up at the national level?

Also, I can’t get over the fact that Pelosi threatened President Trump and the Senate Republicans to pass a gun control law. How is this acceptable? Could you imagine if Trump or McConnell told Pelosi to fund the border wall or they’d kick her in the clam? It would be the end of things.