America Hater Ilhan Omar Compares Border Facilities To Slave Dungeons

She lies like a rug…

Controversial Democrat Ilhan Omar continues to engage in dishonest race-baiting to push the extremist anti-American agenda of the socialist Squad.

In a shocking video that was posted on Saturday, the Somali-born congresswoman compared the facilities at the southern border that are used to house illegal migrants to the dungeons that African slaves were kept in.

It is yet more incendiary rhetoric of the type that has been invoked by the extreme-left cancer that has metastasized within the Democratic party since radical former bartender Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez exploded onto the scene last summer.

Omar’s claim was made during an address to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and was posted by the RNC as yet another example of the dangerous transformation of what used to be a legitimate political party.

According to Rep. Omar:

And every time he would talk about the separation of the kids and from their parents and how they would have young girls be in the same dungeons as the women or they would have young boys be in the same dungeons as the men, I couldn’t stop seeing images of the current camps we have here our borders in the United States. And so of a story that happened 400 years ago I constantly had this reminder, this horrifying image, of many of the things that were taking place there in that dungeon now taking place, whether it is in in the shores of North Africa or in the shores of the United States.

Omar like the others whose socialist revolution can only succeed if Americans are divided against each other largely along racial lines continues to rely on acting as if slavery which was abolished over 150 years ago is still being practiced in 2019 America.

Like the socialist Green New Deal, the big lie that America is a white supremacist nation that was built on the backs of African slaves continues to be a central organizing principle of the extreme left.

The New York Times recently went to such lengths as to promote the propaganda of what they call the “1619 Project” in a blatant scam designed to rewrite the nation’s history so as to falsely claim that the United States true origin was a century and a half earlier to push the bogus slavery narrative.

Omar’s comparison of the facilities that are overflowing due to a crisis that was created by Democrats is more of the same despicable hatemongering as when Ocasio-Cortez trivialized The Holocaust by claiming that the same shelters are the equivalent of Nazi concentration camps.

AOC also lied by claiming that migrants in the facilities were being forced to drink from toilets but the same media that shamelessly promotes such propaganda as the 1619 Project never called her out on the fib.

Omar has also repeatedly expressed a sentiment that some have suggested is sympathetic to the radical Islamic murderers who attacked America on 9/11 as well as statements that are blatantly anti-Semitic and yet have been excused by Nancy Pelosi and Democrat leaders.

It is unknown where this dishonest and divisive demagoguery as practiced by Omar, AOC and their fellow Squad members is going to lead but if unchecked, it will be to a very dark place.