Millionaire Socialist Bernie Sanders Wants To Ban Billionaires

The ban-happy socialists who have taken over the democratic party are at it again. Communist sympathizer Bernie Sanders wants to ban billionaires, but this isn’t an ordinary leftist unconstitutional prohibition. Bernie intends on making billionaires disappear by stealing their wealth to finance his socialist schemes that will surely enrich him and the other members of the Politburo. The question he needs to ask himself is: once he pillages all of America’s wealth, who’s gonna pay for all this crap?

Here’s something from a guy who shouldn’t be a U.S. Senator let alone POTUS:

Here’s the pitch:

At a time when millions of Americans are working two or three jobs to feed their families, the three wealthiest people in this country own more wealth than the bottom half of the American people.

So three billionaires have more wealth than people who are largely unemployed and rely on government assistance? Huge, if true.

The 3 billionaires Bernie is talking about are Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates. He also gripes about the wealth of the family who owns Walmart, which means he wants to financially ruin people who employ hundreds of thousands of Americans. What happened to all of those jobs when Bernie puts these billionaires out of business?

According to Bernie’s redistribution of wealth scheme, he’s going to tax billionaires so much that they will no longer be billionaires.

This wealth tax would only apply to net worth of over $32 million and would raise an estimated $4.35 trillion over the next decade. Anyone who has a net worth of less than $32 million would not see their taxes go up at all under this plan.

So the cut-off for being allowed to keep your own money is $32 million? Is it a coincidence that that’s approximately the net worth of the Clintons and the Obamas? It sure as hell doesn’t touch his millions or his 3 mansions. Quirky.

The revenue raised under this plan would be used to fund Bernie’s affordable housing plan, universal childcare and would help fund Medicare for All.

I know this is going to come as a shock, but socialist Bernie Sanders’ math is way off. Aren’t commies supposed to be good with money? The cost of all his socialist insanity is in excess of $40 trillion dollars over the next decade, but his plan to eat the rich only generates $4.35 trillion in the same time frame. Where does he get the other $36.5 trillion from? The correct answer is from us, by raising the shit out of our taxes as well.

It actually gets worse because if Sanders can successfully abolish billionaires, the rest of us will have to cover an even bigger chuck of this socialism.

Bernie definitely has the communism covered with this, but he also threw in some fascism to go with it:

In order to ensure that the wealthy are not able to evade the tax, the proposal includes a number of key enforcement policies. First, it would create a national wealth registry and significant additional third party reporting requirements.

Anytime a government makes a list of its subjects, there is nothing but evil intent. This is how Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot rounded people up for extermination. When an avowed commie says he wants to eliminate a certain class of people and then demands those people be registered with the government, it sure as hell sounds like the first step of genocide.