2 ‘Republican’ Trump Challengers Favor Gun Confiscation

If you thought the democratic party debates were sad, you were right, but somehow the Republican debate on Tuesday night was more pathetic. Oh, you didn’t know there was a Republican debate? Don’t worry, nobody did. There are 3 so-called Republicans challenging President Trump for the GOP nomination and 2 of them debated each other. Actually, they bad mouthed Trump and then both agreed that gun confiscation is a swell idea.

Business Insider held a Republican debate on Tuesday night that was not sanctioned by the Republican Party. President Trump was invited to participate but declined. Never-Trumper Mark Sanford was busy hiking the Appalachian Trail and couldn’t make it but racist Joe Walsh and anonymous nobody Bill Weld showed up. It’s hard to believe CNN didn’t televise this ridiculous thing.

It was not exactly a debate in that both Walsh and Weld agreed that they hate President Trump:

“Donald Trump is unfit,” Walsh said.

“The president is a sick man,” Weld countered.

“He’s not a president. He’s a dictator,” retorted Walsh.

“He’s a malignant narcissist,” argued Weld.

“He’s a child,” Walsh insisted.

“He’s just way out there,” Weld said.

That wasn’t the only thing these two supposed conservatives would agree on. They both favor gun control with an unconstitutional dose of gun confiscation:

“The problem we have in the country are these mass shootings. There are a lot of things we need to look at… Our focus should be on [that] we don’t want anyone who shouldn’t have a gun to have a gun,” said Walsh.

So Walsh wants to take guns away from people who shouldn’t have them? It’s already against the law for banned persons to possess firearms, so he has to be talking about some kind of preemptive law that would try to predict who shouldn’t have guns and take them away without due process. Dianne Feinstein would be proud.

“[Take] the guns away by all means, before something happens there,” said Weld.

Weld has pretty much the same plan, though with a twist. He thinks that people who may or may not do bad things should have their guns taken away, just in case. Okay, maybe that’s not a twist, it’s the same thing worded slightly differently. Beto O’Rourke would be stoked.

Either way, these two RINO clowns sound exactly like democrats when it comes to violating our 2nd Amendment rights. Walsh has the added bonus of liberal lunacy by repeating the lie that there is a loophole that lets people buy guns on the Internet without a background check.

Acting like liberal bitches is certainly a bold plan for 2 guys trying to challenge an incumbent Republican President. Come to think of it, I’m not sure this is an act. Maybe it’s time Walsh and Weld admit they are democrats, because there isn’t one person on the right who accepts them as Republicans.

While there is no room for gun-confiscating kooks in the Republican Party, the democrats love anti-gun lunatics. The democratic party should be particularly appealing to raging racist Joe Walsh because with liberalism, he’s allowed to be the biggest bigot in the world without consequence.