Just In Case impeachment Doesn’t Work Out, Kamala Harris Wants Trump Banned From Twitter

Democrats are trying to impeach President Trump in a fool’s game based on bogus stuff they cooked up themselves. Kamala Harris knows this isn’t going to happen, but she’s prepared take out Trump in the next best way by demanding he be banned from Twitter. If for some reason that doesn’t work, democrats are prepared to take away Trump’s Subway “My Way” rewards card. Rest assured the democrats will not let the results of a free and fair election stand.

Democrats spend so much time hating on the 2nd Amendment that people often forget they hate the 1st Amendment just as much. Kamala Harris has had enough of President Trump expressing himself so she is demanding his Twitter account be suspended.

Harris was on CNN desperately trying to sell the democrats’ pathetic impeachment attempt when she opined that President Trump shouldn’t be allowed to express himself:

“The president’s tweets and his behaviors about this are just further evidence that he uses his power in a way that is designed to beat people down rather than lift people up. Frankly when you look at what he has been tweeting today directed at the whistleblower, um directed at so many people, I frankly think that based on this and all we’ve seen him do before, including attacking members of Congress, that he frankly, that his Twitter account should be suspended,” said Harris.

Yeah, Kamala Harris used the word “frankly” 3 times in one sentence. According to rules from the BS Council of BS, that’s a sure sign she’s completely full of BS.

As it turns out, Harris doesn’t just want Trump kicked off Twitter, she wants Trump’s ability to communicate verbally stripped from him permanently.

“I think there is plenty of now, evidence to suggest that he is irresponsible with his words in a way that could result in harm to other people and so the privilege of using those words in that way should probably be taken from him,” Harris said.

Much like how democrats think gun ownership is a privilege, they feel the same thing about free speech. How did these people take an oath to defend the Constitution when they have no idea what a Constitutionally protected right is? I’m guessing they’ve never read it.

Not only is Harris demanding that Trump be banned from Twitter, she wants him banned form talking altogether.

CNN host Anderson Cooper didn’t have any problem with Harris calling to silence Trump, but he was concerned that some of the President’s supporters might see that as kind of a negative thing. Harris’ response was to reiterate that Trump shouldn’t be allowed to speak.

“When the President of the United States speaks, her words are very powerful,” said Harris.

I’m sorry, did she just call Trump a girl? Yes she did.

“And should be used in a way that is not about belittling, much less harming anyone. And this President, I think, has never fully appreciated that responsibility. And so what we see continuously, in the last 24 hours, is a use of his words, Donald Trump using his words in way that could subject someone to harm. And if he’s not going to exercise self-restraint then perhaps there should be other mechanisms in place to make sure that his words do not in fact harm anyone,” said Harris.

Also the BS Council of BS says that anyone who starts 4 sentences in a row with the word “and” is completely full of BS.

There you have it: Kamala Harris says that as long as Trump uses words that she and democrats don’t agree with, his ability to express himself should be taken from him.

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, democrats are not the people you want in charge, protecting your rights. They are fascist dictator wannabes, who want to control your life and crush all dissent.