Liberal Writer Claims White People Own Guns Because They’re Scared Of Indians

Liberals think everything is racist and throwing gun ownership into that vat of nonsense is nothing new, but one lefty writer has an interesting (crazy) new take on the subject: Apparently the only reason why white people own guns is because they are scared of Indians. Elizabeth Warren to confirm this theory in 3..2..1..

Ally Henny writes for a bunch of stuff you’ve never heard of before, but that doesn’t make her any less insane than the big-time liberal pundits. She may be small potatoes but her lunacy is huge. Check out this mini tweet storm:

I honestly can’t think of a more appropriate way for a liberal to frame an argument: “I don’t have any proof, but here’s my truth.”

I can’t speak for all gun owners but my decision to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights has nothing to do with Indians. The thought never crossed my mind as I purchased my first gun and honestly never has since.

Somehow this gets crazier:

All the stuff in my house belongs to me and to be honest, I don’t really care if any of it gets stolen. My guns are to protect me and my family. Again, I’ve never really envisioned having to defend my home against an Indian attack, but should it happen I am prepared.

If you are thinking, “hey wait a minute, isn’t gun ownership supposed to be racist against black people?” don’t worry, she’s getting to it:

See, the reality of things is that gun control is rooted in racism. Almost all restrictive gun laws were aimed squarely at keeping black people from being able to own firearms. Support for gun ownership rights is the oldest pro-civil rights and equality movement in this country.

This theory is preposterous, but even if it were true, so what? It doesn’t make any difference why people (white people) own guns because the 2nd Amendment guarantees that right. I’d also like to add that the right extends to all people of every race creed and color, including Indians and black people.

What this kook is trying to do is delegitimize gun ownership by tying it to racism. This is one of the many bogus ways liberals try to attack our Constitutional rights. For some reason they think that if they can convince the public that owning a gun is a hate crime that the 2nd Amendment will cease to exist. They are wrong, but liberals being wrong isn’t anything new either.