Bernie Sanders Slams Elizabeth Warren As A Rotten No-Good ‘Capitalist’

You can tell what is important to a society by the language they use. Eskimos have dozens of words for snow and Samoans have as many words for waves and ocean conditions. The same is true for what a group of people consider insults. Avowed socialist Bernie Sanders thinks the word “capitalist” is slur on par with the N-word and has leveled it against fellow democrat Elizabeth Warren. Obviously communism is important to him if he thinks “capitalist” is a sick burn.

Sanders appeared on ABC’s This Week Sunday and insulated Elizabeth Warren the worst way he knows:

“There are differences between Elizabeth and myself. I think you know Elizabeth has said she is a ‘capitalist through her bones.’ I’m not,” said Bernie.

The gloves are off. Mostly because under socialism, luxury items like gloves don’t exist.

What exactly is so wrong with capitalism? What makes calling Elizabeth Warren a “capitalist” such an insult? Bernie explains:

“You got companies making billions of dollars a year in profit doing what? Oh by the way, they’re destroying the planet. I think business as usual, doing it the old-fashioned way, is not good enough,” Bernie said.

I don’t know, socialism seems kind of old-fashioned to me. It’s been tried many times in the past and failed miserably. Meanwhile, the United States, where capitalism thrives, is the greatest nation the world has ever known, going strong for over 200 years. If it ain’t broke, why fix it?

And speaking of old-fashioned, Bernie Sanders would like to recreate the 1917 Russian Revolution, which ushered in totalitarian communist rule, right here in the United States in 2020:

“We need a political revolution. I am, I believe, the only candidate who’s going to say to the ruling class of this country, the corporate elite, ‘enough, enough with your greed and with your corruption. We need real change in this country,” said Bernie.

To drive home that he is not a capitalist like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie gave this glimpse into his despotic communist dreams:

“I will not tolerate for one second the kind of greed, and corruption, and income and wealth inequality, and so much suffering that is going on in this country,” Bernie said.

Isn’t he a millionaire who owns 3 mansions? It seems like not only has capitalism been very good to him but also that he has embraced the capitalist system. He sure as shit tolerates capitalism when it’s lining his own pockets.

Additionally, Elizabeth Warren is every bit of a socialist kook as Bernie is. She wants to take trillions of dollars of earned wealth and redistribute to people who don’t deserve it. She has a plan to beak up all of the big corporations and limit their profit potential. She intends to socialize health care and industry in this country. That’s socialism, Bernie.

The point Bernie was trying and failing to make is that there are fundamental differences between him and Elizabeth Warren as well as the other 2020 democratic party candidates. To be clear: they are all the same. They want to take money from people who earned it and give it people who didn’t earn it. They want to strip away nearly every single Constitutional right to make people “freer” somehow. Most of all, they want to transform this great capitalist republic into a communist dictatorship, with democrats in charge of course.

If Bernie really wants to close the income inequity gap he could maybe give away his riches and let some poor people live in his 3 stately manors. Or, even better, as a U.S. Senator (lawmaker) he could pass business-friendly legislation that creates jobs since working is a proven method to enable people to provide for themselves and amass wealth. Nobody has ever gotten rich or even well-off from government handouts and that’s one of the many reasons why socialism keeps failing.