Joe Biden’s Latest Gaffe Has Him Letting Russia Back Into The ‘G8’

Are these even gaffes at this point? Joe Biden misspeaks so frequently it makes more sense to count the times he says something coherent or factual as the gaffe. The latest from Crazy Joe has him letting Russia back into the G7 making it the G8 again. Obama actually kicked Russia out, but how could Joe possibly know that? It’s not like he was Obama’s vice president when that happened. Oh wait, never mind.

The Group of Seven (G7) is an international group made up of the 7 largest and most advanced economies in the world. The U.S., U.K., Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan make up the 7 nations. Russia used to be a part of this group, but Obama kicked them out instead of doing something about what the country did to the Ukraine.

At a New York fundraiser over the weekend, Biden appeared to be letting Russian back in. Crazy Joe was railing against President Trump who was entertaining the idea of hosting the next G7 summit at a resort he owns in Doral, Florida. The President was going to do this at cost, so he wouldn’t make a dime, but has since abandoned the idea because like everything else he does, liberals flipped the hell out.

“Look at what he’s doing now, he’s inviting the world leaders from the G8 and he’s sending them to his failing country club so he can make money. No, no, no, no just think about that. Can you imagine a president doing that?” Biden said.

Can you imagine a guy running for president who doesn’t know it’s the G7 and not the G8? Can you imagine someone who was vice president when the G8 went to the G7 and not remembering that?

Biden never corrected himself on this and in fact has been spewing this nonsense for quite some time. Following the last G7 summit earlier this year, Biden also referred to it as the “G8.”

“He just came back from the G8. I’m going to say something that will not take as much time but is going to sound too self-serving. If I have any expertise it’s in American foreign policy,” said Biden.

Well, he did say “if” he has any expertise, so technically this is not a lie.

This is even more Joe Bideny because at the previous G7 summit, President Trump suggested that Russia should be allowed back in. Biden and the democrats freaked out and accused Trump of being Russian president Vladimir Putin’s puppet. Biden, through the power of dementia, has now let Russia back in. Who’s the Russian asset now, Joe?

There’s several major reasons why Biden should know it’s not the G8: he was VP when Russia got kicked out, he’s running for POTUS, it’s common knowledge, etc… If the guy working the drive-through at Taco Bell doesn’t know about this stuff, that’s fine, but someone who wants to be in charge of the most powerful country in the world should be a little more informed.