DNC Charging $355,000 For Tickets To Watch Obama Bloviate In Mom Jeans

Would you pay $355,000 to hang around with Barack Obama for a couple of hours? As horrible as that sounds, I wouldn’t even pay that kind of money to not hang around with him. In an effort to keep big money in politics, the Democratic National Committee is hosting a fundraiser with the former president in which tickets run from $10,000 to $355,000. The “regular folks” who democrats say they are fighting for are definitely priced out of this one and can go suck an egg (or something else) according to the DNC.

Vox reports that Tom Perez and the DNC are holding a fundraiser in Silicon Valley hosted by a psychiatrist named Karla Jurvetson, who has already given $7 million to democrats. Holy crap! How the hell does a headshrinker have an extra $7 million laying around to waste on liberal political campaigns?

The main attraction for this shindig is former president and current climate denier Barack Obama, but access to him is not cheap. There are tier levels in these outrageous ticket prices:

$10,000 gets you in the door but not much else. Known as the “Guest Tier” this ticket doesn’t allow you to actually meet Obama, but presumably there will be food and drinks.

For $35,000 you can get a “Champion Tier” ticket which gives you the privilege of standing in line to take a photo with Obama but no touching or eye contact. This also comes “access to the National Finance Committee benefits” whatever those are.

The “Host Tier” ticket costs a measly $100,000 and allows you to attend a “V.I.P. reception” with Obama. Actually it doesn’t say purchasers of this ticket get to hang out with Obama, just that they don’t have to hang out with the cheap bastards who only bought the $10,000 ticket.

Finally, there is the $355,000 ticket which is so exclusive it doesn’t even have a name. In fact it doesn’t even come with a description of the benefits. If you have to ask, this is not the ticket for you.

I get it that liberals love Obama but he’s actually a really boring guy. Listening to him talk is right up there with hearing someone on downers read the Facebook terms of service contract. I bet any one of these democratic party supporters could go hear Hillary Clinton speak for free and she’s balls-out crazy, which is much more entertaining.

The big question here is: why isn’t Obama fundraising for his former VP Joe Biden? Poor Joe’s cashflow is drying up and his and his poll numbers are tanking. It’s gotten so bad for Biden that he had to flip-flop on his position that he wouldn’t take donations from big-money corporate and special interests or PACs. I’m just kidding, Biden didn’t have to flip-flop, he loves doing that.

$355,0000 is an awful lot of money to spend on Barack Obama. These liberals aren’t buying or even renting the former president, just paying to basque in aura. The median home value in the United States is $231,000 and you can buy a mail-order Russian bride for between $15,000 and $30,000. Instead of wasting money on Obama bloviating in mom jeans, these California elites could buy homes for families and hook dad up with a hot piece of side-ass.