Nancy Pelosi Promises Rapper 50 Cent She’ll Impose Racial Quotas On Entertainment Industry

Democrats won back the House of Representatives with a promise they were going to do great things for average Americans, but since taking control earlier this year they’ve done nothing but stage a sloppy coup attempt against the freely-elected President of the United States. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi must realize the terrible optics of abandoning their promise to America, so she’s apparently going to use (abuse) her power to force more black people on TV and in films. It’s unclear how this will help working class families, but since when do democrats’ plans make any sense?

Rapper 50 Cent was on Capitol Hill this week meeting with democratic lawmakers right after they voted for their faux impeachment inquiry against President Trump.

The Hill reports:

Rapper 50 Cent was spotted on Capitol Hill Wednesday, meeting with lawmakers about diversity and representation in the entertainment industry and reportedly advocating for Starz to remain on Comcast Xfinity.

Illinois Rep. Bobby Rush had this to say about the meeting:

“It is important that we see people who look like us in government AND on the big screen. Thank you [50 Cent] for coming to speak [with] me about the importance of diverse programming,” said Rush.

And the 50 Cent sent out this tweet:

Wow, does Pelosi look uncomfortable around 50 Cent or what? Is this the closest she’s ever been to a black man?

Putting all of this together: 50 Cent met with House democrats to talk about diversity in the entertainment industry and then after a chat with Pelosi said “big changes coming.” That can only mean that Pelosi promised him that she and her merry band of panderbears are going to do something to force more diversity in the entertainment industry.

The question then shifts to: how will she fulfill this empty unconstitutional impossible promise? Are democrats cooking up some kind of bill that will require all TV shows and movies to cast a prescribed number of black actors? Probably, that’s the exact kind of nonsense legislation the democratic party is famous for.

There are a few problems with Pelosi’s plan however. The Supreme Court has ruled that racial quotas are unconstitutional so it’s already a non-starter. Republicans control the Senate and the White House, so none of the democrats’ joke legislation stands a chance of ever becoming law. And finally, entertainment is art and art is subjective. Forced diversity would make movies and TV shows suck as bad as democrats.

Given what she’s done since getting the Speaker’s Gavel back, chances are Pelosi will go the non-legislative route to affect this change. First she’ll threaten entertainment executives with committee investigations and subpoenas if they don’t include more diversity in their projects. Next, Adam Schiff will concoct and leak fake stories designed to embarrass casting directors. Lastly, anonymous whistleblowers will accuse studio head of rape, racism, and destroying our democracy.

If Pelosi’s ploy works, and why wouldn’t it, that doesn’t mean more work for black actors. Hollywood will just throw Samuel L. Jackson into everything because he’s the black guy they are comfortable with. It’ll be SLJ Spiderman, SLJ Harry Potter, and SLJ James Bond. “I said shake my martini, motherf*cker!”