Robert De Niro Claims Trump Will Start A War To Get THIRD Term In Office

Batshit Bob really needs stronger meds…

Celebrity doomsayer Robert De Niro is popping off again as the award-winning actor continues to slip into late-stage Trump Derangement Syndrome.

According to the foul-mouthed De Niro, President Trump is going to start a war in order to win a third term in the White House. This astounding prediction was made during an interview with the rabidly leftist propaganda website The Daily Beast.

The 76-year-old has been a fanatical critic of the POTUS ever since he clobbered Hollywood favorite, Hillary Clinton and can always be counted on to attack Trump with a torrent of F-bombs mixed in with the lunatic fringe conspiracy theories that are like holy gospel to the political left.

Interestingly, such a prediction is a tipoff that De Niro has no faith in the repulsive and bat guano crazy 2020 Democrat field nor the upcoming impeachment which continues to poll poorly outside of the coastal enclaves of the cultural elite and is all but conceding that Trump will be reelected.

According to De Niro:

“I’m worried because if he gets re-elected, it’s gonna be very, very bad—very bad on a lot of levels. We already have a lot of reparations, if you will—repairs—to do to the damage that he’s already done, and he has to be gotten out”

“He’s going to be history at one point, though he’d love to be president for life. He jokes about it. I think that if he became president for a second term he’d try to have a third term, and let smarter people manipulate it into getting us into some kind of altercation: a war.

“The only other president who served a third term was Roosevelt because he was in a war, and this fool would go and start something. This was what Marty Scorsese was saying, and I said, ‘Marty, I never thought of that. I never thought he’d go for a third term if there was a war or something’”

“Trump joked about being ‘president for life’ with [Chinese president Xi Jinping] and so-on, he’ll pardon anybody, he’ll do anything. The day after he was elected, I went on a TV show and said I’d give him the benefit of the doubt and say that I hope he won’t be as bad as I think he will be, but he’s turned out to be a lot worse.”

De Niro has now forever confirmed the suspicions of many who believe that he has gone cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

The phony tough guy who has made a career for his portrayal of gangsters in such classic movies as Goodfellas, Casino, The Godfather II and Analyze This was described by the president as “punch drunk” in a reference to Raging Bull, his only Oscar for best actor.

Considering that he has another gangster film, The Irishman that is currently in theatres and which makes its Netflix debut next week, it is a peculiar maketing strategy to talk smack and alienate half of the movie’s potential customers but De Niro is too far gone at this point.

It may be that The Irishman suffers a similar fate as a recent film by another hardcore celebrity Trump hater in Stephen King’s heavily hyped Doctor Sleep which was dead on arrival at the box office last month.

The arrogant narcissistic celebs will never learn – get woke, go broke and De Niro’s mouth is likely to be a serious drag on box office receipts.

Otherwise, like the majority of the Democrats in Congress, De Niro is just a bitter old codger who should have retired long ago.