Robert De Niro Wants To Hit President Trump In The Face With A ‘Bag Of Sh*t’

With there being little chance President Trump will be removed from office by the democrats’ joke impeachment, Resistance Hollywood has come up with another plan. Political strategist Robert De Niro wants to hit the President in the face with a bag of sh*t. It’s unclear what this would achieve but maybe the thinking is that getting assaulted by a bag of feces is an impeachable offense that even the Republicans in the Senate would vote for. It’s actually a more solid plan than impeaching Trump without an impeachable crime or offense.

De Niro was on Michael Moore’s podcast and of course they complained about Trump. Why would two Hollywood professionals talk about making movies when the American people chose someone other than their preferred candidate in 2016?

De Niro talked about the time he said he wanted to punch Trump in the face and explained he wasn’t being literal. This, however, he does mean literally:

“I’d like to see a bag of shit right in his face. Hit him right in the face like that, and let the picture go all over the world. He needs to be humiliated,” said De Niro.

And while it seems like De Niro wants to be the one to hit President Trump in the face with a bag of shit, he indicated it should be the eventual democratic party nominee.

“He needs to be confronted and humiliated by whoever his opponent is,” said De Niro. “They have to stand up to him, they don’t have to do it in an obvious physical way, but they have to have the formidability to confront him and to put him in his place, because the people have to see that, to see him be humiliated.”

So hitting the President of the United States in the face with a bag of shit isn’t obviously physical? Whatever.

Later in the podcast, De Niro said that he supports Joe Biden so this was Psycho Bobby telling Crazy Joe to attack the President with feces.

There are a few minor problems with De Niro’s otherwise bullet-proof plan. The first being, if anyone were actually to smack the President in the face with a bag of anything, that would be felony assault and a major federal crime. I know that TDS-suffering liberals think that their hatred of Trump allows them to do whatever they want, but whoever hits the President with a bag of shit is going to jail for a long time.

The second issue here is that hitting Trump with a bag of shit is unlikely to get any shit on the President’s face. If it’s a plastic bag, forget about it. If it’s some kind of cloth sack, maybe a little shit juice would seep through. It would have to be a wet paper bag and even then, on the back swing, the shit would probably rip out and get whoever is behind the fecal assailant.

Lastly, a crazy person (De Niro or Biden) attacking Trump with poop is not going to humiliate the President. All it will do is reconfirm that liberals are big babies who can’t defend their indefensible positions with anything but violence.

On the upside, every movie Micheal Moore has made and most of De Niro’s films in the past 20 years are shit, so they would have plenty of material to fill the bag with.