Tuesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables!

NYT Claims Russian Hackers Successfully “Breached” Burisma

Via Zero Hedge

Color us skeptical, alt-right, conspiracy-wonk, Putin-puppets; but the transparency and timing of tonight’s “bombshell” report from The New York Times of an ‘alleged’ hacking by ‘allegedly’ Russian hackers of Burisma – the Ukrainian energy firm that VP Biden’s crack-smoking, energy-ignorant son was paid $50,000 per month as a board member – reeks so strongly of foundational narrative-building for something “embarrassing” that is coming, it is stunning just how dumb the deep state must think the American public really is. Actually, maybe not all that stunning.

According to Area 1, the Silicon Valley security firm that detected the hacking, Russian hackers from a military intelligence unit known formerly as the G.R.U., and to private researchers by the alias “Fancy Bear,” used so-called phishing emails that appear designed to steal usernames and passwords, to gain access to Burisma’s network.

Oren Falkowitz, a co-founder of Area 1, and previously a hacker at the National Security Agency, proclaimed in the report that “the attacks were successful,” even though it is unknown what the alleged hackers were attempting to discover.

The timing of the Russian campaign mirrors the G.R.U. hacks we saw in 2016 against the D.N.C. and John Podesta,” the Clinton campaign chairman, Mr. Falkowitz said.

“Once again, they are stealing email credentials, in what we can only assume is a repeat of Russian interference in the last election.”

As The Mercury News reported, over the summer, Area 1 persuaded the Federal Election Commission to allow it to provide low-cost services to political campaigns, which would typically be a violation of rules designed to prevent businesses from currying political favor.

Additionally, and coming as no surprise to many, Mr. Falkowitz is a significant donor to Democrats; and even more intriguing, the company’s CSO – Blacke Darche – also worked at the NSA and most notably, Crowdstrike.

Read the entire article HERE.

Despite Tweeting Often About Iran This Week, No 2020 Democratic Contender Has Commented on Iranian Protests

Via The Federalist

Whether it’s antisemitism or the oppression of the Iranian people, the left has no interest in drawing attention to any issue unless the problem can be attributed to President Trump.

Since President Trump entered office, his administration has shown unequivocal support for those opposing the mullahs’ repressive regime, from partially withdrawing from the Iran Deal to empowering those opposed to Iranian hegemony in the region. Indeed, President Trump’s series of tweets in Farsi represent not an aberration but a doubling down on the stance his administration has held for the entirety of his presidency.

Meanwhile, not one 2020 Democratic contender has offered comments on the current protests in Iran, where dissenters are risking life and limb to voice their overwhelming dissatisfaction and frustration with the Iranian regime. This silence marks a startling pivot from the frequent mention of Iran we witnessed prior to the eruption of the protests. What changed?

Whether it’s antisemitism or the oppression of the Iranian people, the left has no interest in drawing attention to any issue unless the problem can be attributed to President Trump. Furthermore, those on the left likely feel uneasy about the protests in Iran, as they are left scrambling to explain how President Obama’s crowning foreign policy achievement known as the Iran Deal could have possibly devolved into such a chaotic and murderous mess.

Admitting the righteousness of the Iranian demonstrators means admitting the wholesale malignancy of the very actors President Obama empowered. And given the partisan hackery that has infected most corners of the political realm, such a statement would be deeply uncomfortable.

Nothing showcases the gap in moral clarity between the American left and the Iranian people more than the attribution gymnastics Democrats and the media engaged in when addressing Flight 752. As I noted here, various prominent figures on the left and in the media have rushed to blame President Trump for the plane crash, desperately seizing on any opportunity to pin Trump. Meanwhile, protesters in Iran, despite limited access to information beyond state-controlled outlets, continue to offer a full-throated condemnation of the Iranian regime, laying blame for the crash squarely (and rightfully) on Khomeini. A recent video here shows university students in Tehran refusing to walk on the American and Israeli flags.

Read the entire article HERE.

Sanders Refused to Condemn Farrakhan Official’s Anti-Semitic Screed

Via The Washington Free Beacon

In 1994, Sanders rebuked congressional measure to condemn anti-Semitism

As the Nation of Islam faced public and private pressure to moderate its rhetoric in the mid-1990s, Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders voted against a congressional measure condemning a series of virulent anti-Semitic statements by a leading member of the group.

In 1994, Sanders was one of a small minority of congressmen who declined to back a resolution condemning the remarks by Khalid Abdul Muhammad, a black nationalist and New Black Panther Party member, who became a lightning rod for criticism in the 1990s due to his repeated public displays of anti-Semitism. The remarks, delivered at New Jersey’s Kean College in 1993, drew the condemnation of African-American leader Jesse Jackson, who called them “racist, anti-Semitic, divisive, untrue, and chilling,” and ultimately forced Farrakhan to expel Muhammad from the Nation of Islam.

Both the House of Representatives and the Senate voted to censure Muhammad for the speech, in which he referred to Jews as “bloodsuckers” and the pope as a “cracker.” Sanders was one of just 31 lawmakers who opposed the measure condemning Muhammad. Sanders, who then represented Vermont’s at-large congressional district, argued that the resolution would do little to combat anti-Semitism among black nationalist leaders like Farrakhan and Muhammad and, in fact, might help to feed it.

Anti-Semitism among black leaders like Muhammad is the result of joblessness and homelessness in underprivileged communities, Sanders contended. “I think the most important point that I would make, however, is that if we are concerned, as we must be, as to why that type of movement is gaining a foothold in the United States, we should ask some questions as to why people respond to that type of garbage and what we might do about it,” Sanders said. “If we want to defeat the Nation of Islam and bigotry and racism and anti-Semitism, then most important, let us make the U.S. Congress begin to address the real problems facing the people in those communities.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Lancet: The Only Way to Stop Racism Is ‘to Eliminate Whiteness’

Via Breitbart

The once prestigious Lancet medical journal has published a bizarre book review asserting that “white Americans continue to mobilise to maintain or extend the exclusive advantages whiteness offers those who can become white.”

The Lancet selected Rhea W. Boyd, a Minority Health Policy Fellow at Harvard’s School of Public Health, to review a 2019 book called Dying of Whiteness by Jonathan Metzl, whose thesis is that “right-wing backlash policies have mortal consequences — even for the white voters they promise to help.”

In his book, Metzl argues that white mortality is up in the United States ever since the 2016 election of Donald Trump, since in order to “maintain an imagined place atop a racial hierarchy,” white Americans who harbor “racial resentment” support policies that seem to limit the freedoms or resources available to non-whites, even though such decisions threaten their own wellbeing as well.

“From expansive gun legislation to broad divestment in government programmes, Metzl characterises white liberties that endanger white lives or imperil white futures as ‘dying of whiteness,’” Boyd observes.

While in her review Boyd fundamentally agrees with Metzl’s contentions, she believes that he is too soft on whites by attributing whites’ self-destructive white political actions to “racial resentment,” which “erases white agency through emotional euphemism.”

“At times, Metzl artfully articulates and historicises the racist origins of white interest in firearm fanaticism and ‘small government’ politics,” Boyd writes. “At others, he turns to ‘racial anxieties,’ racially charged ‘fears,’ or ‘racial resentment’ to describe white people’s political investment in white racial dominance.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Florida Man Gets 90 Days In Prison For Spitting On 67-Year-Old Man Wearing MAGA Hat

Via The Daily Caller

A Florida resident was sentenced to 90 days in prison Thursday after he spit on a 67-year-old man wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat in October.

Matthias Ajple, 43, was charged with battery after spitting on Robert Youngblood, The Palm Beach Post reported. Video footage shows Ajple putting what looks like a paper towel on top of Youngblood, who was wearing a MAGA hat.

“I was just trying to protect you guys because I support law enforcement,” Ajple told the deputy according to the report. “Trump supporters are communist and racist. I don’t even care that I’m going to jail. This is actually exciting.”

“Plus, I have more time on this earth than he does anyway. He probably feels so good about himself.” Ajple added.

Ajple told Youngblood to “go back to Russia” before calling him a communist, according to the 67-year-old. The 43-year-old then slapped the MAGA hat and spit on Youngblood before leaving the restaurant where the assault took place.

Read the entire article HERE.

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